End Slow

Not only should we start slow (see last blog) but we should also “End slow.” It’s not only in the morning that God wants to cover you with His love, it’s in the evening too.

It’s at night when some of the most real conversations take place between husbands and wives, and children and parents and that is something that God wants to share with you and your children as well.

Scripture states in Isaiah 26:9 “My soul yearns for you in the night;” David also declares in Psalm 63:6, “On my bed I remember you; I think of you through the watches of the night.” There is so much that happens in just one day: problems, decisions one may regret, questions, concerns, worries oftomorrow and more. If we just turn on the TV and crash we miss out on a great opportunity for reflection, peace, answers, comfort and counsel from our God.

Jeremiah 33:3 says, “Call upon the Lord and He will answer you and show you great and unsearchable things that you do not know.” The Holy Spirit is not only our Helper, but also our Counselor. Have you ever had a great conversation with a friend and afterwards you felt like you had clarity and peace that you didn’t have before your conversation. This is the kind of experience the Father wants you to experience with Him at night where you give Him your cares, worries, fears, disappointments, questions and frustrations and in exchange He gives you His peace.

You’ll sleep better, wake up more refreshed and have greater joy in your heart all because you decided to “End slow.”

Get off Facebook, close your email, turn off the TV and end slow…



    John Silkauskas is the executive director of JSM, author of various ebooks, creator of several audio courses, and the creator of “Seconds with Silk” an inspiring video blog dealing with Life, Love, Leadership & Relationships. He serves as one of the pastors of a growing church in Clearwater, Florida. He is a sought after speaker and has a passion to reach people with the life transforming love of God! He shares practical truth in relevant and creative ways and desires to encourage, equip and empower others to create a life they love. He and his wife Emily have been married for ten years and have four sons and one daughter. He loves dating his wife, playing with his children and going on adventures with his family.

    Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.