How To See More Results And Have Greater Impact

I think the biggest mistake most of us make is that we settle with less far too often by focusing on the wrong things. We mistake busyness for accomplishment and we focus more on activity rather than real achievement.

If you want to see more results you have to focus more on results.

Ask yourself what am I doing today that is making the most impact on tomorrow? This may be difficult at first but can become quite easy by changing the question slightly: What did I do yesterday that made the most impact on today?

When we start focusing on the results more we will begin to see even greater results! Why? Because we will focus more of our energy on what’s already making the greatest impact and it will only increase!

Too many times we get stuck in our routine, we often keep investing our time, talents and resources into things that aren’t proceeding fruit and we wonder why we’re not seeing the results we want to see.

Don’t buy the lie that says, “I’m busy so I must be making a difference.” Rather KNOW that you are making a difference by focusing your energy on the results and in turn you will see more results and have greater impact!


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If we are honest with ourselves we all procrastinate more than we would like to admit.

Maybe we’re too busy or maybe we have too much on our plate, neither are good excuses. Procrastination is putting off what you could do until a later time and often times later becomes never. And even if we get things done last minute they are not to the quality we are all called to.

Not only does procrastination cause problems in the here and now, it often causes unhealthy habits for the rest of our lives.

Procrastination often comes from the lie of believing you can’t do something, or it’s simply too much for you to do.  Often times feelings of being overwhelmed and defeated accompany procrastination.  These feelings lead to getting even less done and often cause problems in even our closest relationships.

In this episode of Seconds with Silk – John identifies solutions to these problems that plague us all.  Take time RIGHT NOW to be inspired, informed and encouraged with a powerful story and practical steps in overcoming procrastination.