Finding Victory

Over the years I’ve seen so many Christians go through very difficult things. Many have gone through very similar things whether it was betrayal, divorce, grief, sickness, depression, addiction or the lost of a loved one. And yet upon going through some of the toughest things life may ever bring I’ve seen two very different things happen. I’ve seen some do everything right so to speak, pour their heart out to the Lord, bring Him their pain, stay in community and deal with their difficulty. They do so well because they do everything right that many times months removed from their struggle you would never have guessed they greatly struggled and went through a very difficult time at all.

However I’ve also seen the opposite take place and it breaks my heart! I’ve seen believers stay in the place of discouragement, depression and defeat for years (even a lifetime)! Where some have chosen to be better on the other side of their struggle, many have chosen to be defined by it, they take on a victim mentality and they stay in their misery. They often become bitter, critical and extremely negative about almost everything in life!

My beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, this is not the abundant life that Jesus has promised us! Some have preached that it is, but I am here to declare to you today that this is not the gospel! God is not only with you in your suffering but if you’re willing to follow Him He will lead you to a place of wholeness. God doesn’t call us victims, He calls us victors! Yes Jesus suffered but He did it for the joy that was set before Him! Yes Jesus said that in this life we would have trouble but in the same breath He also said take heart and be of good courage because I’ve overcome the world! And in Christ through faith we overcome the world as well! As believers we will suffer trials and tribulations, persecution and suffering but nowhere in Scripture does God tell us that we then are defined by these things! Like the saints of old that we read about in Scripture we are not defined by our experiences, rather we are defined by God’s great love for us and the victory that He has won for us through Jesus Christ our Lord!

I read in my Bible that we are the ones who overcome! We are more than conquerers through Him who loved us! We are to rejoice even in the midst of difficulty for our God has given us the victory! He ALWAYS leads us into triumph! He is the one who leads us from the place of defeat to a place victory! How you might ask? It’s through His love!!! As we bring Him our pain He surrounds us with His healing presence! He comforts us, heals us, strengthens us, gives us hope, peace and a reason to rejoice again! He makes us whole and gives us purpose where there was pain.

Maybe this message is for you or maybe it’s for someone that you know and love. Whoever it’s for hear this clearly: You don’t have to stay in the place of your suffering!God loves you! And it’s through His love that He invites you to rise up and find the healing and wholeness you’ve been longing for! Believe God for your healing! Believe God for your peace! Believe God for your joy! He makes all things new and He is wanting to make all things new with you! And when He’s done the world around you will know!

“Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing.” Corinthians 2:14-15

Father, I pray for healing and wholeness over all those who are stuck and feel defeated. I pray that you would lead them to you that they may experience the great exchange! In the place of their pain you would give them purpose, in the place of their mourning you would give them joy and in the place of their heaviness you would give them the garment of praise! Touch, strengthen and heal your children for their wholeness and for your glory in Jesus name, amen!



Scriptures referenced: John 16:33, 1 Corinthians 15:57, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Romans 8:37, 1 John 5:4, Isaiah 61:3;

For more on this subject watch my latest message here – CLICK HERE

PS I would be remiss if I didn’t share with you the regular encouragement I send out each week. If you would like to be encouraged regularly then subscribe to receive my devotionals via email @

Guard Your Heart

You must guard your heart from becoming cold, cynical & jaded. This can be a very difficult thing to do especially in a world full cynics (see what I did there). It’s harder than you and I may think! In Matthew 24:12 Jesus said, “Because sin shall abound, the love of many will grow cold.” As you watch the news or read what people share on social media you can see the evidence of this. Sin is everywhere you turn and because of sin many have become offended and put up walls around their hearts. Many people have stopped loving others because of this and it’s caused very negative effects in the world today.

So how can we guard our hearts from the subtle lies the enemy attempts to whisper in our ears on a regular basis? Well, it’s impossible without God! If we’re left to our own effort we will miserably fail, we need the love of God to keep us! And although this has everything to do with God it also has a lot to do with us in that we are responsible for the thoughts that we think. We have to partner with God and think upon His love regularly. If you regularly think upon God’s love towards you – this will help you have love in your heart towards God, others & yourself. And this is so important! Proverbs 4:23 says, ”Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” EVERYTHING we do flows from our hearts. This is why it is so important to keep ourselves in the love of God, to regularly think upon His goodness and love towards us, less we become ensnared by the cares of this world and our hearts become cold and cynical.

So, be encouraged! Forget the negativity around you today and choose to dwell on God’s love for you and His love for the people around you. As you keep your heart in the love of God it will effect more than just you, it will effect your closest relationship in deep and powerful ways, it will effect your coworkers and even strangers that you encounter throughout your day. It matters more than you think, so guard your heart and think upon God’s great love for you today!



PS I would be remiss if I didn’t share with you the regular encouragement I send out each week. If you would like to be encouraged regularly then subscribe to receive my devotionals via email @