In Matthew 4:4 Jesus says that, “Man does not live on bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” Here Jesus is giving us insight as to how we’re called to live. Life is not merely about eating, drinking and being merry rather there is more to life! We’re called to live not just for the natural things of life, we’re called to live for a supernatural purpose. That word “super” simply means “above” so we’re called to live our lives above just the natural things. So if food is a natural source of strength and something we so often work for and pay sometimes a great amount of money for, then God’s words are our food and our source of strength in life and ought to be sought after regularly. See we are called to live by every word that comes from the mouth of God. His words are spirit, they are life, He speaks through His written word and He speaks to our hearts through His Spirit and we are called to live by these words! Jesus said it again in John 4:34 like this, “My food is to do the will of He who sent me.”
God brings life, strength and encouragement to us through His word and He also gives us purpose and direction! He reveals to us the path of life in His presence! He shows us what we’re to do and why we’re here, along with also filling us with joy and peace. So, to bring encouragement to your hearts today I thought I would share some of what the Father has been speaking to me lately:
- Be encouraged even when you don’t see my hand moving, be encouraged even when you don’t feel like you are doing anything for me and be encouraged when you question where you think you should be, just trust me.
- I am with you and I am working all this (yes, even this) for your good!
- I love you with an everlasting love and I am working behind the scenes to make wrong things right! Yes the money of the wicked will be laid up for the righteous, yes the wrong things will be made right. Continue to walk closely with me and you will see all things things take place.
- Too many are distracted by their surroundings and the negative things in their lives but lo, I am at work in secret even behind the things that you can see. Behold you cannot see this great work but I promise you it will come to pass and it will happen soon. Continue to wait on me.
- Don’t focus on the negative things you see, for I’ve called you to live by faith, set your eyes on me and rejoice in knowing that I am at work in the earth today.
- Believe me for MORE!
- Keep coming back to me, keep praying and believing for there is great power in prayer and I am calling you to a deeper place in prayer, I am calling you to get ready for the things that I am going to do in the earth, pray!
- Rest in my love for you, do not worry about all these things, simply rest, seek me first and often and I will keep you in perfect peace.
I share these things with you as you most likely can identify with some or all of what God is speaking to me, simply because we are His Church and the Spirit of the Lord is often saying the same thing to different members of the body. For there is one body and there is one Spirit. I share these words in hopes that they will speak to you and encourage you to spend time listening to the words that proceed from the mouth of God this week. He loves you and yes he is speaking, are you listening?
(Other Scriptures Referenced: John 6:63, Psalm 16:11, Ephesians 4:4)
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