Trusting God’s Timing

“Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:6-7

You don’t have to make it happen, God will just make it happen! 

Yes we are called to be faithful, obedient, good stewards and excellent in all that we do, but we are not called to force things, promote ourselves or worry. We are called to humbly serve and watch God promote us, take care of us and lift us up at the appointed time.

It’s easy to get caught up in wanting things to happen overnight, we live in a culture that is saturated with selfishness and a feeling of entitlement that says, “I should get what I want and I should’ve had it yesterday!” Resist this narcissistic influence of our culture and boldly humble yourself before your God. He will lift you up, he will exalt you in due time and it will be worth the wait, because it’s in the waiting that he is developing you and preparing you to have greater influence both far and wide!

Be encouraged and keep serving the Lord with joy and humility, it’s all going to be worth it my friends! Give him your worry and concern about your bills, needs, health, relationships, dreams and destiny. He loves you and he is working on your behalf even when you can’t see it.

Be encouraged!


Growing Up

Growing up I loved playing outside, baseball, basketball, football, hide and seek, going to the pool – I loved being wild and free. I enjoyed being able to do what I want when I wanted and I wasn’t the biggest fan of being told what do to. I loved doing things that I wanted to do and disliked doing some of the things I needed to do. I hated getting haircuts, flossing, going to bed early, eating my vegetables, you know all of those things kids don’t like to do.

Recently God has been speaking to me about “Growing up.” Learning to do things that are difficult, responding better when in conflict, doing things that need to be done before doing things that I want to do. At times it’s painful and I experience growing pains. But the maturity that is taking place is good and fruitful! I’m seeing greater health in all areas: relationally, financially, physically, spiritually, in time management and productivity.

There’s times I still don’t like eating my vegetables but I’m learning to “Grow up.” I’m removing unhealthy or unnecessary things from my life and I’m adding other things that are proving to be beneficial. I’m seeing more balance and maturity take place and I am actually enjoying it! I share all this to challenge you to “Grow up.”


What is God is asking you to let go of?

What is God leading you to do?

What is God speaking to you about “Growing up?”



“We are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ.” Ephesians 4:15

How To See More Results And Have Greater Impact

I think the biggest mistake most of us make is that we settle with less far too often by focusing on the wrong things. We mistake busyness for accomplishment and we focus more on activity rather than real achievement.

If you want to see more results you have to focus more on results.

Ask yourself what am I doing today that is making the most impact on tomorrow? This may be difficult at first but can become quite easy by changing the question slightly: What did I do yesterday that made the most impact on today?

When we start focusing on the results more we will begin to see even greater results! Why? Because we will focus more of our energy on what’s already making the greatest impact and it will only increase!

Too many times we get stuck in our routine, we often keep investing our time, talents and resources into things that aren’t proceeding fruit and we wonder why we’re not seeing the results we want to see.

Don’t buy the lie that says, “I’m busy so I must be making a difference.” Rather KNOW that you are making a difference by focusing your energy on the results and in turn you will see more results and have greater impact!

How To Break An Addiction

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Addictions destroy both lives and relationships. They promise something that they never deliver and often take you further than you want to go and keep you longer than you want to stay.

Here in this short video I hope to bring light to the deception of addictions as well as provide practical ways to find freedom from them!

Enjoy the video and share it with a friend who may just need this exact word.



Being a Kid at Disney World

This past week my wife and I took our kids to Disney World! Their excitement was through the roof (so was ours)! Emily and I have three children but there were five children in our party all week. Emily and I were like kids again! The pure joy and utter excitement was evident as we ran from one ride to the next, from the parade to the next show. We had a blast! It reminded me of what being a kid was like and it made me think…

In Matthew 18:3 Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” What is it that is so special about a child? What have we lost through the years of growing up and facing difficulties and disappointments? I believe we have to look at a child in order to discover what we’ve lost. So, here is a short list of what I observe when I think of children.











The list really goes on, as does the list of things we can learn from it. A child’s most important relationship is with their parents or the one who cares for them. Can we say the same about us? Is our most important relationship with God our heavenly father? On Average Children laugh four hundred times a day versus adults who laugh only fifteen times a day! That contrast is huge! Adults can be boring. I don’t want to be an adult, I want to be a kid! Not once does the Bible have the word adult in it, God never calls us adults, He calls us His children!

So, where have you lost your childlikeness? Have you stopped dreaming? Do you no longer believe in the impossible? Are you bored in life? Are you offended and dwelling on the offense or on your own shortcomings? I dare you to accept the invitation Jesus has extended! Be like a child again, be filled with awe and wonder, let joy bubble up again from the inside and enjoy life!

I refuse to be a kid only at Disney World. I choose to have a childlike joy and faith year round! Life is too short to live any other way. So, today I pray that you and I may see through the eyes of a child and be filled with faith, joy, awe and wonder yet again!

Blessings friend!


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