What God Has Been Saying To Me Lately

I’ve walked with the Lord for over fifteen years now, I’ve experience accelerated growth in my walk with Him in different seasons and there have also been times where I’ve felt stagnant in my walk with the Lord. Today I write to you to share what the Lord has been teaching me over the last few weeks.

Over the last couple years he has been bringing life to the many seeds of His Word that have been sown into my heart over my early years of walking with Him. And over the last few weeks I’ve sensed Him literally breathing life into my Spirit. He’s stirring His promises in my heart and bringing His words to my remembrance. He’s giving me new revelations of who He is, who I am and what He is doing in the earth today.

More than ever before I sense Him calling me to Himself! He is jealous for my time. He desires that I come away and pray. There are times I resist His leadership believing the enemy’s lies that I’m too busy and I have to much to do. But there are other times that I yield to His leadership, I come into His presence and I am filled with peace, joy and purpose. And it is in these times where great revelation flows from heaven to earth, from God’s heart to mine.

So here is what I feel the Lord saying to me in these days:

-Be still and know that I am God

-Rest in my and in my love for you

-Keep doing what you’re doing

-Don’t worry about what’s happening around you, pray and trust me

-Wait on me and I’ll give you instructions

-I am leading you with the promptings of your heart

-Be faithful with all that I’ve given to you

-Do not be afraid, rather be strong and courageous

-Take authority over all that is coming against you and your family

-Use my Son’s name for there is great power and authority in the name of Jesus

-I am preparing you for the days ahead

-Breakthrough is coming

-Step out in Faith

-Bless your family

-Declare my words over every area of your life

-Rise above the many distractions around you

-Trust me, I am raising you up

I share these things with you today to encourage you and I believe many of the things He is saying to me, He is also saying to you. I encourage you to take a moment right now and ask God, “What are you saying to me?” Allow His to speak to your heart and richly bless you today! I’m going to do the same and I’m going to meditate on what He’s already said and continues to say.



PS If you’re wanting to read more on this here are two posts on discerning God’s voice Seeking Answers and How God Speaks. And if you’re really wanting to grow in learning to hear God’s voice listen to my Free Audio Course “Hearing God’s Voice”

God is Giving Us a Blank Check

Don’t allow a negative confession to come out of your mouth and don’t allow negative thoughts to linger either. As believers we are called to live by faith and it is through faith that we can take authority over our negative thoughts and think on good things. It’s through faith that we filter what we think and say. As much as it’s up to me I want to agree with God in both my thoughts and my speech! This takes work! But oh how it’s worth it!

If you want to see victory in your life it all starts with what you’re thinking and what you’re saying. This is why it takes work because all kinds of thoughts try to fill our minds on a daily basis – there is a constant war over our belief system! The enemy wants us to live defeated lives where we are discouraged and not believing God for anything. God wants the opposite! He wants to encourage us regularly and He wants us to believe Him for everything!

Think about what Jesus said in Matthew 9:29, “According to your faith let it be done to you.” Here Jesus is writing us a blank check and telling us to cash it! The problem is too often we believe lies rather than the truth so instead of living free we life in bondage. Instead of living in faith we live in fear. God wants to set you free today with the truth! Believe it and be free! God loves you! Take the blank check and cash it! Forget not His benefits! God is a good Father and He knows how to take good care of His children!

“God, open our eyes to see you clearly, open our hearts to receive your love and give us the grace to walk in faith and live free just as you have intended for us to be. Thank you Jesus! Amen.”




What will you believe Him for?

Teach me how to pray

Teach me how to pray

For years that’s been my prayer (and I still pray it today). God has honored this and I’ve grown greatly in my times with the Lord. He shows me things I would never know, He leads me, strengthens me and blesses me deeply. My favorite time in prayer is when I say nothing and simply rest in His presence. He always builds me up during this time and often speaks great truths to my spirit.

Prayer is simply communion, it’s connection, it’s the place where your relationship with God is deepened. He reveals his good and kind nature and strengthens your faith. There are times He will lead you to pray for situations, circumstances, people you know and people you don’t… And it’s in these times that you pray as His Spirit leads you. This too is a powerful time as He directs you to speak peace in peoples lives and declare His word over different circumstances.

In this day and hour God is calling us to a deeper place of prayer. He’s calling us to pray for our pastors, our leaders, our government and of course the lost! He’s inviting us to pray with faith and passion. He’s calling us out of a spirit of fear and one of complaining into a spirit of confident expectation and one of praise! Will you watch and pray with the Father today? Will you declare His truth over the lies so many have come to believe? Will you speak to the mountains and tell them to be removed? Do you hear Him calling out to you today, “Will you stay and pray with me a while?”

I’m praying for you today! Will you join me in prayer for our Nation?



“What things soever you desire when you pray, believe that you have received them and you shall have them.” Mark 11:24

Let us pray…

God Loves You!

I’ve been walking with God for 15 years now! It’s crazy that it’s been that long… He loved me before I ever had a thought of him and he’s loved me since! In my pride, in my struggle, regardless of any sin my God has taken delight in me! WOW! What a powerful truth I’ve come to learn: God loves me at my best and he loves me at my worst!

Thank you God for your incredible love towards me! Right now I pray for all those reading this that they will grow in their understanding of your great love for them. Yes God, may they come to know that you love them in their sin, in their struggle, in their addiction and in their unbelief. Open their hearts and powerfully minister your great love! May they come to the fullness of the knowledge of Christ. Thank you God!

Oh open your hearts today! Forget the distractions of the world! Give God your worry, your opinions and your concern. He loves you more than you know! God loves you at your best and he loves you at your worst…God loves you! Be encouraged by this truth! May it lead you to great peace, joy and freedom!

God loves you!!! This is the message we need to focus on! His love that draws people to repentance (to change their minds). We need to pray and ask God for a greater revelation of his love for us, our children, the church and America.

“Thank you Jesus for your constant love, thank you for your love that never fails! Fill hearts across this nation and around the world with your great love, amen!”

Blessings my friends,


“I Want To Help” -God

God is calling out to us and he is asking, “How long will you try to do things in your own effort and strength”? All the meanwhile we ignore Him and remain in a state of stress, worry and fear. We find ourselves exhausted and nothing to show for all of our efforts. Stop trying to do it all yourself, invite God to be God and trust his ability to bring you into your promised land. He will do it and it will be without sorrow.

It’s kind of like debt, we purchase things we have no right purchasing, we put it on credit and go into debt all because we didn’t want to trust God and wait on his timing. In doing so we cause ourselves great stress, not only ourselves but our relationships as well. Basically we strive and rely on our own sufficiency and it only causes frustration! This is not so with God, for the blessing of the Lord makes one rich and he adds no sorrow with it (Proverbs 10:22). In the same way (in all areas of your life) God wants to bring his blessing without sorrow. God wants to bring an ease to life so that even in the storm we can have peace. So what is God saying to us today?

I believe He is saying this:

Rest in my love for you

Rest in my peace

Rest in my care for you

Rest in my ability

Rest in my leadership

Rest in my grace

Did you get it? He is inviting us to enter in to His rest…Let’s enter in!


“Anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from his own work…Let us therefore make every effort to enter into that rest…” Hebrews 4:10-11

“…We set our hearts at rest in His presence.” 1 John 3:19

( For more on entering into God’s rest Click here )