Come and Pray; Go and Tell

4 Ways to Experience God's Heart For The Lost

Sharing our faith is an essential part of our relationship with the Lord! When we step out of our comfort zone and share the gospel with others God always shows up! The Holy Spirit has been given to us for many reasons (He’s our comforter, guide, counselor, etc.) but one of the primary reasons is to empower us to be bold in our faith and share the gospel everywhere we go, knowing that God is with us even to the end of the age (Matthew 28:20).

With Scripture providing one example after another of the

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Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody

Practical Ways How To Share Your Faith

Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody

There is something that has been weighing on my heart for quite some time now.  I’ve been praying that I would personally respond better to this very thing that God keeps bringing to my attention. I have faith that He will help us all respond to this better…

It’s something that I know God has called each of us to, it’s dare I say one of the most important things in all of Scripture and certainly in this life! But before I share what it is I’d like for us to look at this simple story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody:

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God is Faithful!!!

“But you, O Lord, are a God of compassion and mercy, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love and faithfulness.” Psalm 86:15

God is so good, so kind, so compassionate, full of mercy, slow to anger, abounding with love and He is faithful! He is kinder than we currently perceive, generous in showing us an unlimited amount of mercy, so slow to anger and absolutely overflowing with a unfailing covenant love towards us, His children.

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How To Consistently Grow in Your Relationship with God

We are creatures of habit. Most of us tend to do the same things over and over, we eat the same thing for breakfast, sit in the same seat at church, fall into the same routine day after day. We probably don’t recognize that much of our life is run by routines. But what happens when we encounter something that challenges our routines.  A scripture, perhaps, causes us to look at the life we live and ask, “Am I doing what God is asking me to do here?”

In Matthew 6 Jesus talks about worry, provision, trust and an attitude of the heart. He is inviting us into a deeper relationship:

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Do Something Different This Christmas

You know what I’m doing this Christmas?

S-L-O-W-I-N-G   D-O-W-N!!!

That’s right!  In the midst of a very busy time, filled with ministry and get-togethers, I’m pulling back the reigns and slowing down. I’m watching less TV, doing fewer unnecessary things and coming back to the heart of worship. I’m coming back to what the holiday is truly meant to be. 

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