What does Advent mean & How do I Celebrate it?

A Practical & Spiritual Guide to help you Navigate through a busy Christmastime

Christmastime is one of my favorite times of the year (for many reasons). I love the food, the sweets, the shopping, the gifts, the time with family and friends; however, one of my absolute favorite things about Christmastime is a simple tradition that Emily and I share with each other and the kids: Every night during the season of Advent we start the bedtime process a half hour early. We purposely and intentionally slow down and make room for God in a very special way. We read, we pray, we light the candle(s) and sing songs of praise and worship. It’s a very simple, yet powerful time! God is faithful, and He meets our little family around our dinner table every evening. It’s a humbling and beautiful experience! We make space for God, and He comes and fills that space with His presence! I cherish these times for a few reasons:

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It’s our Wedding Anniversary || Here’s How We Celebrate our Marriage

A Few Regular Practices to Creating a Marriage You Love

Today is my wife and I’s nine year wedding anniversary! We’re going to celebrate by visiting the Country of her choice (…at Epcot 😉 ) we’ll then eat at the restaurant of her choosing (in the Country of her choice 😉 ) and of course celebrate with a gift exchange as well. However some of our favorite anniversary traditions we’ve both come to love are as followed:

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4 Keys To Leading Well at Home and Work

[ These are Important Ones ]

In my early years of ministry before dad life, even before marriage one of my mentors taught me something that I have not forgotten: Balance! Fast forward to when I first started my family I now had an opportunity to implement this wisdom. I made a commitment to be at home for dinner at least four nights each week. This meant that even if the church had four evening meetings where I was suppose to be present my calendar was already booked! I therefore had to prioritize and determine which meetings I had to be at and which one I could miss. It’s things like these that have helped me lead well at home and work.

I could share a lot of thoughts on leading well like the importance of vision, constant communication, being positive, staying humble, leading by example and many others. However I’d like to focus on these four specific ones today:

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How to Maintain Consistent Growth in Multiple Areas at Once

3 Keys to Holistic Growth

If you’re like me there’s been times where you’ve truly felt overwhelmed with so much to do on your plate and not sure how you’re going to get it all done. Between family, friends, work, school and church, life can easily become overwhelming. Things that should be on the forefronts end up on the back burner, areas get neglected and you’re no longer thriving you’re surviving! So how do you balance all these areas of your life well enough to actually see growth rather then decline and neglect? I’m glad you asked! I’ve discovered 3 Keys to Holistic Growth and here they are – 

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My Morning Routine

3 Keys to Having a Productive and Fulfilling Day

If you’ve ever squandered away a morning or afternoon at work and wondered how time flew by without you accomplishing anything worthwhile you’re not alone! Countless people waste time each day for various reasons. Maybe they don’t know how to manage time well or allow too distractions to keep them from what they actually should be doing. Maybe they’re not focused or clear on their purpose. Over the years I’ve had plenty of days come to an end leaving me unfulfilled and at a loss as to whether my day was productive at all! That was until I learned a few very important things that I’d like to share with you. In this blog I share 3 keys to making sure your day is both productive and fulfilling! Here is my Morning Routine:

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