According to a recent study done by the Mayo Clinic stress can negatively impact many facets of our physical health, mood & behavior! Here are some of the effects stress can have on us:
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Endless possibilities, incredible change & great transformation are all on the other side of YES!
Recently God’s been leading me to surrender in all areas of my life. In many ways I thought I already had but as I spend time with Him I realize in every season God leads us to surrender on a deeper level. He’s always looking for a willing heart, for someone who makes themselves available to Him, willing to surrender anything and everything…
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We all fail! We’ve all said things we wish we could take back and done things we wish we could undo. And the truth of the matter is that we will all fail again, and again, and again and in many different areas of life. So what’s the remedy? Well, if we’re going to fail we better learn how to “Fail Forward” so to speak. Failing Forward is all about what you do immediately after failing! But before we go right into “3 Things to Remember When You Fail” I’d like to share a story because stories stick and I believe this story will help you remember these three things well!
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Years ago I remember hearing the “prayer evangelist” Terry Teykl (a Pastor in the United Methodist Church) say, “God won’t send live chicks to sit under a dead hen!” This one-liner has stuck with me and God has used it to encourage me to be a man of prayer ever since.
Several months ago I felt the Lord leading me to not only pray but to also start a
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