How To Hear God’s Voice

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In Scripture God speaks over 20,000 times to His people. He speaks through dreams, visions, nature, people and even animals! So what makes us think that He is not speaking today?!

I think just the opposite, I believe God is speaking ALL THE TIME, I just believe we have to learn to recognize His voice!

In order to really know His voice we have to learn both His word and His character.  For God will never contradict either.  In fact in Psalm 105:19 it says, “The written word tests the spoken word.”  Meaning when we believe that God is speaking to us, it will never disagree with the written word of God.

I am so excited about this message and the messages to come about this subject! Over the next several weeks I will be sharing inspiring stories and great insight in recognizing God’s voice.

Join me & begin to hear the voice of God like never before!



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If we are honest with ourselves we all procrastinate more than we would like to admit.

Maybe we’re too busy or maybe we have too much on our plate, neither are good excuses. Procrastination is putting off what you could do until a later time and often times later becomes never. And even if we get things done last minute they are not to the quality we are all called to.

Not only does procrastination cause problems in the here and now, it often causes unhealthy habits for the rest of our lives.

Procrastination often comes from the lie of believing you can’t do something, or it’s simply too much for you to do.  Often times feelings of being overwhelmed and defeated accompany procrastination.  These feelings lead to getting even less done and often cause problems in even our closest relationships.

In this episode of Seconds with Silk – John identifies solutions to these problems that plague us all.  Take time RIGHT NOW to be inspired, informed and encouraged with a powerful story and practical steps in overcoming procrastination.

The Power of Goal Setting

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The Power of Goal Setting – The reasons why we don’t set goals and how to overcome those reasons.  Join John this week as he shares a powerful and insightful story of goal setting, exposes the lies that keep us from setting goals and how to overcome them!

John shares an incredible story from the University of Yale that may just make you drop your jaw and inspire you to listen and put into practice everything else that he shares afterwards.

Watch now and be encouraged, challenged and equipped to overcome all obstacles and immediately set goals and see them come to pass.

Steps to Successfully Create a Life Vision

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This is why I wrote my book! Too many of us live life without any real sense of direction, we are often distracted and our lives look like they are going in every direction.

Sometimes we need to be reminded of our need for vision! Sometimes we need to take very practical steps to create a vision for every area of our life!

This word will challenge you and cause you to take action.  Why wait to see your life become the way you want it?  Take steps today so that you can see your desired results tomorrow.

Here are practical steps to see your dreams come true.  Listen as I define what a goal actually is and be encouraged to dream again and begin to make goal setting a life-style.

FORGIVENESS || What? Why? How?

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If our greatest need was education God would have sent a teacher, if it was science God would have sent a scientist.  Our greatest need however was forgiveness and that is why God sent his son to be our savior.

If forgiveness is OUR greatest need, why is it the most difficult thing to give away?  When people hurt us it is easy to hold onto that hurt, however when we do it not only hurts that relationship, it hurts us and EVERY relationship that we are in!

In this episode of Seconds with Silk, John shares the destruction of un-forgiveness in our lives, how to identify if you have any un-forgiveness and practical steps in how to forgive those who have hurt you.