Something that is important for every Christian to do periodically, if not daily, should be to evaluate the lines they’ve drawn in their life. They need to look at where these lines are drawn, why they are drawn there, and should they be drawn elsewhere? We draw lines in our relationships, in our budgets, what we physically put in our bodies, how much we work, etc. We also draw lines in terms of what we listen to, and what we watch.
As far as music goes, some Christians draw their line at lustful content. Some draw their line at cuss words, or maybe at anything that is not exclusively, “Christian.” When it comes to T.V. or movies, you’ll have some Christians who draw the line at nudity, others at sex scenes- even if there is no nudity, some draw the line at excessive cussing, magic, or extreme violence, and some seem to barely have a line at all.
When discussion over these lines occur, accusations of being, “too religious or strict,” and, “too liberal or loose,” often enter the conversation. How does one become, “too strict,” or, “too loose?” Let’s ask another question:
Why do we draw our lines where we do?
I think several factors play into where we draw our lines. These could include:
- Where our parents drew their lines, and to what extent we felt the need to obey or rebel against those lines.
- The culture in which we’ve grown up in. (You can examine this as general as what country you were raised in, or as specific as what town. I.e. San Francisco, California, versus Provo, Utah.)
- How mature, or immature you are in your walk with God.
- Where your spouse expects you to draw your line.
- The pros and cons of where lines could be drawn, and what you deem beneficial, or worth it.
This is not an all-encompassing list, but only what came first to my mind.
We’ve discussed the first question of where we’ve drawn our lines, then we addressed why we’ve drawn them there, and now thirdly…
Who really gets to decide where our lines should be drawn?
For Christians, the obvious answer should be that God decides this. He can’t decide that we will in fact draw our lines in a particular spot, but He does decide where they should be drawn. We have the free will of whether or not we will obey His leading, and good or bad consequences will naturally follow. So, how do we know where God wants us to draw them?
The best course of action is to first and foremost prayerfully read His word. The Bible is quite clear on certain lines that need drawn, while others can seem more ambiguous to us. I believe that God does not reside in a realm of ambiguity when it comes to sin, but rather certainty, and there are times where we need to just pursue Him more. No one on this earth has all the answers, and has perfect revelation.
We all have lines in places they shouldn’t be, and need the help of the Holy Spirit to discern which lines need moved, and which ones still need drawn.
God’s desire is to transform us from glory to glory, and help us to become more like Jesus. There is a perfect place to draw our lines, but we need to be relying on God to show us where that is- not ourselves, and not our friends. Sure, it can be helpful to ask mature believers what they think, but ultimately our plumb line must be God, and God alone.
I believe that if we are going to continue to grow and mature in our faith, and become more effective in showing others Jesus, then we should always be open to the Lord examining us. We need to be humble and teachable, sincerely asking Him to evaluate our actions, thoughts, intents and motives. If we allow Him to do this, He can better mold us into His likeness.
Let’s commit ourselves to a lifetime of praying:
“Examine me, O God, and know my mind. Test me, and know my thoughts. See whether I am on an evil path. Then lead me on the everlasting path.” (Psalm 139:23-24, GW).
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.