Believe it or not we are largely responsible for what our day will look like. Each day we are given a choice as to choose to make it a great day or to choose to make it a not so great day. We’ve been given more responsibility than we would like to admit.
It’s easy to blame others for many of the problems that occur in our lives each day but the truth is it really starts with us. What are we believing about God, ourselves, our day?
In Matthew 12:34 it says, “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” Simply put whatever we really think will most likely come out of our mouths.
King Solomon said, “As a man thinks, so is he.” Later in Scripture in Matthew 9:29, Jesus said, “As your faith is, be it unto you.” When you put those verses together it’s clear that what you think and believe MATTERS!
If you are always thinking negative things are going to happen in your life you are attracting those negative things! The same is true with our words:
In Genesis 1:27 Scripture tells us that we were made in God’s image, earlier in that chapter it says that God SAID, “Let there be light!” Finish reading the sentence and you realize suddenly there was light!
If we were made in God’s image, than I dare to believe we hold the same power with our words!
Proverbs 18:21 says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue and those who love it will eat its fruit.”
We have more power in our words than we can ever imagine. Watch the video and remember as you begin to say it, you will begin to believe it and soon you will begin to see it!
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