Do you find yourself often frustrated and don’t know why? Someone always causes you to get upset or certain things just set you off? This week John brings light to why these things cause us frustration AND how to overcome these frustrations. In James 4:6 it says, “God frustrates the proud but gives grace to the humble.” This means every time you are frustrated you are in pride! Why? You are trying to control a person or situation and it is causing you frustration. You are trying to control something that you were never created to control. The solution is to humble yourself before God, meaning acknowledge Him in your frustration and find peace. He gives grace to the humble, grace simply means His empowering presence. He will give you the ability to do things you could never do on your own, and he will give you self-control. Find a cure for your frustrations, watch now.
The Cure For Frustration & Misery
John Silkauskas
John Silkauskas is the executive director of JSM, author of various ebooks, creator of several audio courses, and the creator of “Seconds with Silk” an inspiring video blog dealing with Life, Love, Leadership & Relationships. He serves as one of the pastors of a growing church in Clearwater, Florida. He is a sought after speaker and has a passion to reach people with the life transforming love of God! He shares practical truth in relevant and creative ways and desires to encourage, equip and empower others to create a life they love. He and his wife Emily have been married for ten years and have four sons and one daughter. He loves dating his wife, playing with his children and going on adventures with his family.
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Category: Seconds with Silk
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