How do you respond to criticism, defeat, discouragement and disappointment? We are bound to face all of these at some point in our lives and for many of us we will face them often. So how do YOU respond in these difficulties?
I have to admit that immediately when any one of these things come into my life I am often affected by them…for a moment! In the past I would let criticism, defeat, discouragement and disappointment take me out for hours, days and even weeks at times but that is not the case anymore. I’ve learned to identify them and quickly rise above the negative state they attempt to leave me in. Did you know that we can take authority over our negative emotions and stay in a place of peace?
God’s taught me several keys that help me identify negative feelings and quickly rise above them bringing me back to a place of peace and joy. Here’s what I’ve come to learn:
- The quicker I get my eyes off of my situation and back onto God’s goodness and his love for me the quicker I feel like myself and have peace and joy
- The moment I recognize the negative feelings I’m feeling from criticism, defeat, discouragement and disappointment I take them captive and start thanking God for my growth and ability to do so
- Stop thinking inwardly and start thinking outwardly (instead of poor me I move to a positive place with the thought of how can I encourage others from this negative experience)
- Pray: I acknowledge my feelings and then bring them to God in prayer and in exchange he gives me peace
- I rejoice in faith because I know if I’m feeling any one of these things its from the enemy, who is obviously trying to stop me and keep me from moving forward (this encourages me because I know I’m on the right track and about to experience breakthrough in my life (that can potentially lead to breakthrough in many other lives as well)
I hope these few things bring you both encouragement and power to respond well to criticism, defeat, discouragement and disappointment.
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