What’s really better? What’s needed more? What about the busy seasons of life?
God created family, he has a patent on it 🙂 He created us to be relational beings, to have a relationship with Him and with one another. The word relationship by definition means CONNECTION. The greater the connection the greater the relationship.
Too many people buy the lie, “Since I’m in the same room I’m having quality time.” Sure there are times a family can bond around the TV all watching a show or movie together but this is rare. The real quality time comes when you shut the TV off, turn off your devices and engage with the people that are IN THE ROOM with you.
You can be around your family but not really there if that makes sense. Too often this is a sad reality for most, your heart or mind is elsewhere while your spouse and children are crying out for your attention. Not your half-hearted acknowledgement of them but your complete attention, a fully engaged heart, all in!
I’ve noticed when I’m intentional about things that need to get done I accomplish a lot more. I’ve also noticed that this is true not just at work. We need to be intentional about the time that we have with our loved ones and really press in and find out what’s going on in their hearts. We need to let go of all that we worry, stress and think about. We need to let go and just play, laugh, and make memories with our loved ones.
Some would argue that there is no need for quantity if the time together is quality time and although I agree that quality time is more important I would also argue that there needs to be times of quantity as well.
Especially in the busy seasons of life, if you don’t take time to allow your soul to be filled with the love of your family you will burn out or worse blow a gasket and make some horrible decisions.
So this week take an evening, take a day, take a weekend and ENGAGE with the people closest to you. Spend (both quantity AND quality) time with your loved ones and make memories that will last a lifetime.
Praying for you friends,
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.