Prayer is the place where God makes gold!
Have you ever wondered where personal transformation comes from in the lives of believers? It’s obvious it comes from God so it should be just as obvious that it comes from spending time with God. When we spend time in the place of prayer God forms us on the inside. He makes us the men and women that he’s called and created us to be.
Great things happen in his presence and you don’t have to wait until Sunday to get there. Sure many of us know that, but do we really know that? I believe that what we believe effects everything that we do. Real and lasting change in our lives will only come when something eternal touches something temporary. And this happens in the place of prayer. When we open up God’s word and ask him to speak to us and when we pray and ask the Holy Spirit to fill us. It’s in this time that God brings about your true identity, he speaks to you about who you really are and he satisfies you with good things.
My favorite place to be on earth is…in heaven! Seriously! As believers we are seated in heavenly places (Ephesians 2:6) and there is nothing that I enjoy more than sitting at Jesus feet in heavenly places. When I set aside time in my day to do nothing but pray (although my mind would tell me this is pointless) I am filled with joy, peace, strength, faith and a greater awareness of who I am, who God is and why I am here on the earth. It is greater than anything this world offers. If you’re a parent you know that you take great delight in your children (I know I do)! I also know that my children love playing with their daddy. It’s natural, it’s God’s design and it blesses both the parent and the child. The same is true in our relationship with God and when we resist or neglect our time together we lack peace, joy and fulfillment.
Make time for prayer today! Get alone with your heavenly Father. Pour your heart out to Him and then allow Him to pout His heart out to you. You’ll be so glad that you did!
Be encouraged!
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