A couple of days ago I had gone to a friend’s house and noticed as I was walking up her driveway that her car windows were down. Her purse was laying in the seat, and her keys on top of the purse. This was no surprise of course, because she has done this many times, and does it purposefully. I’ve reminded her on multiple occasions of the risk she is taking, but it’s been made clear that she’s okay with taking her chances.
God is Always Speaking
God used this occurrence to speak to me, He highlighted Luke 12:35-40, in which Jesus talks about His return at the end of all days. In the first few scriptures He commands us to be awake, watchful and ready! And if we are, then we will be blessed. In the next couple of scriptures though, he says this:
“Of course, you realize that if the homeowner had known at what hour the thief was coming, he would not have let him break into his house. Be ready, because the Son of Man will return when you least expect him.” (Luke 12:39-40, GW).
My friend had left her car and other belongings in such a vulnerable state, because in her mind, they would be safe. It worked so many times before, why not now? And besides, the neighborhood she lives in is not generally known for crime. She was only going to be inside for a little while longer, and it was more convenient to set her things aside, and go about her business. She left her car, expecting things to remain as they were, without really knowing whether they would be there when she returned.
Don’t Be Caught Off Guard!
How often do we live with this kind of mindset, spiritually speaking?
It can be easy to forget that Jesus will be coming back one day. It can be easy to go about our own business, and not God’s. “I will only be gone for a little bit, I’ll get to it later– I still have time.” It can be easy for us to open the windows and leave the doors unlocked, because we’ve done it time, and time, and time again. We assure ourselves and others, “It will all be okay!”
…But what if it’s not?
Jesus said to be alert and ready, but as time passes and nothing happens, a sense of urgency and watchfulness can fade. Living in the United States can especially lull you into the dreaminess of safety, long-life expectancies, and retirement plans, without keeping in mind that your mortality does not bend to your will, but to God’s, and that Jesus’ return is not a matter of, “if,” but of, “when.” “When,” can be in your lifetime, and it can be very soon.
Jesus told us to, “Be ready for action, and have your lamps burning. Be like servants waiting to open the door at their master’s knock when he returns from a wedding. Blessed are those servants whom the master finds awake when he comes. I can guarantee this truth: He will change his clothes, make them sit down at the table, and serve them.” (Luke 12:35-37).
In order to take advantage of the time we have here on earth, live a fulfilled life in God, and be prepared for His coming, we need to keep a few things in mind:
3 Ways to Live a Full Life Now and Always
- Look for Jesus. It’s important that each day we find Jesus in it, and keep our eyes focused on Him. This causes us to conduct ourselves in such a way that glorifies God, helps us to draw closer to Him, and keeps us from being caught off guard when He returns.
- Live to Serve. He has a specific plan for each one of us to use the gifts He’s given to us to serve Him! To share the gospel with the world, to partner with our churches equipping and discipling believers, and to mold us into who He created us to be. This can be uncomfortable and inconvenient at times, but it’s always worth it. A good master is loved and honored by his servants. I believe you will find that the closer you get to God, the more you look forward to serving Him!
- Use Time Wisely. Too often we allow ourselves to procrastinate, get distracted, and we overlook the reality that our time is short here on the earth. We need to redeem the time by having a vision for our life. One that would cause us to wake up with purpose having a clear vision before us every day. Don’t have a vision? Try praying and ask God for one. Ask Him how He wants you to spend your time. He’ll begin to give you ideas – run with them! More on Getting a Vision
When we do these things, we can be assured that Jesus’ return won’t be like someone breaking into our house. Rather it will be a welcomed return – one we have been waiting for expectantly. So don’t be caught off guard! Look for Jesus, live to serve and use your time wisely! For blessed and joyful are those who stay faithful and sober-minded, living as if Jesus was to come tonight.
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