It’s amazing to me what God can do with well…nothing!
It started in creation when God formed the beauty of creation from nothing but it did not stop there! In Isaiah God gives beauty for ashes, but what does that mean? It means he takes the nothingness of our lives and in exchange makes something beautiful from it!
So whether you feel like your life has amounted to nothing or you simply have nothing at all, you are in a perfect place! Bring your nothing to God and watch Him do something amazing with it!
Nothing in our hands is nothing, but nothing in God’s hands becomes something beautiful!
Not only can you give God your nothingness, you can give Him your everything! Give Him your stress, worries, burdens, pride, sin, broken relationships, hurt, pain, trouble, hopelessness, struggle, shame, give it all! Not just the bad, give Him the good too: your hopes, dreams, prayers, gifts, talents, and resources. Because not only does he take the nothingness and make something beautiful, He takes the bad and exchanges it with good and He takes the good and makes it great!
Like King David said, “He makes me great.” Psalm 18:35
That’s just who God is and what He does! So no matter what you have remember to give it to Him today and watch Him make something beautiful from it!
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