This time last year God put it on my heart to begin to increase my influence. What does that mean? ha Basically he began to stir my heart to do three things:
1. Invest more into a small group of people on a regular basis.
2. Write blogs, books and the like to get into the hands of all who would read them.
3. Record videos and audio teachings to share what He puts on my heart.
And so it began, in January I began writing, meeting with and investing myself into a small group of believers, and I began recording short encouraging videos each week to share what the Lord was putting on my heart. I didn’t know all what I was doing, I was simply obeying Him and doing all that He put on my heart to do. (Click here to watch my very 1st video – an insightful message on Honor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0ZIlmOskfM)
As I continued to do this, He began to expand and develop what I was doing and He began to give me more and more thoughts and ideas. At times it seemed overwhelming but I was excited and I knew it was the Lord. I began to work with a good friend in order to develop a website. I began to write the book the Lord was putting on my heart. I became a student again and began to learn many new things in order to fulfill the dreams He was putting deep down within me.
Fast forward almost one year and I’ve made 50+ videos, wrote and released my first e-book, mentored several individuals, and created my own website. I’ve begun to write a couple blogs a week in addition to the weekly VLOG’s I release. Next week I will be releasing my first Audio Course titled, “Hearing God’s Voice – When it Matters Most” and as we enter into 2015 I plan to have my 501c3 Non-Profit Status. And all this is just the beginning as He continues to give me direction and enlarge the vision within my heart.
Think about all of that though. All of this has transpired in just one year! Which by the way was the busiest year of my life (my wife and I learned to balance taking care of three children and not just two, we moved from Ohio to Florida to answer God’s call, worked hard to sell our house and many other things along the way)!
I say ALL this to encourage you with this one thought:
“Do not despise the day of small beginnings.” Zechariah 4:10
Regardless of what it may look like, no matter how impossible your dreams may seem if they are from the Lord then give your heart to them. Work diligently to do all that God puts on your heart and as you do He will open up even greater doors for you and you will look back and be amazed at all that you and the Father have accomplished together.
Go ahead, get excited! Give God praise now and begin to pursue the dreams He has put deep within your heart. Remove all excuses, step out in faith and get to work! Don’t despise the day of small beginnings because as you are faithful God will richly bless you and the work of your hands. To God be the glory!
Blessings friend,
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.