There are countless times and countless reasons I’ve felt like giving up:
-Wore out
-Overwhelmed with difficulties
-Things not changing as fast as I’d like them to
-Focusing on the problems
-Feeling hopeless
-Feel alone
-Seen others give up
-Lost sight of the vision
The list could honestly go on and on.
What I am so thankful to God about is His grace that has enabled me to NEVER GIVE UP!
He is the one who has kept me when I’ve felt like giving up and throwing in the towel time and time again.
He faithfully reminds me of the vision, picks me up when I’m down, encourages and empowers me to keep going!
This week I felt inspired to share this heartfelt message with true stories and practical encouragement.
So if you feel like giving up, know someone who does or just want to hear a couple inspiring stories – this weeks video is for YOU!
Enjoy! If you like it ‘like’ it 🙂 Leave a comment about what inspires you to never give up and share this video with a friend who might just need this encouragement today!
Remember to NEVER underestimate your influence! And know that you have a God given purpose on the earth and people are waiting for you to do what you have been created to do so keep pressing on and NEVER GIVE UP!
with love,
your friend,
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.