It’s amazing how much God can use someone who is fully committed to him even in a short amount of time.
I think about how Jesus’ ministry was only three years and yet how much he accomplished in that short amount of time. Or how the little boy only had a few loaves of bread and a couple fish but he gave it ALL to Jesus and how God did AMAZING things. And we all know the story of the widow’s mite, how a poor widow gave what little she had and Jesus said she gave more than anyone else because she gave it all.
I really am amazed at how great God is and how he desires to use us. And I am even more amazed at how powerfully he uses those of us who are simply willing to give our all. Not independently of him but rather we give our all to him and when we do he promises to do great and awesome things!
“For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.” 2 Chronicles 16:9
So, be encouraged! God wants to do amazing things through you and he will, as you are willing to give your all to him he will show up and show off in and through you!
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