There is no greater that we can give people than honor! When we honor people we regard them, love them, treat them with respect and high esteem.
Not only is honor a gift to others, it is a gift to us as well. When Jesus went to his hometown the Bible records that he COULD ONLY DO BUT A FEW MIRACLES… WHY? Because “A prophet in his home town is without honor.”
When we get familiar with people, used to them, we tend to mistreat them. We begin to show a lack of honor towards them (this often happens unintentionally).
However, when it happens it now causes us to no longer receive the blessings that God desires to get to us through them. Because they did not honor Jesus, he could only heal a few… Without honor, we keep the blessing of God out of our lives, but with honor we now position ourselves to receive from the people in our lives and ultimately from God.
Hear this powerful word on Honor and it’s great reward!
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