“For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” Ephesians 2:8-10
Remember to give grace to others just as God has given grace to you. Grace mean unmerited favor, divine assistance and enabling power. God’s grace is His empowering presence that we don’t work for but God graciously and freely showers us with. But why does God give us this abundant grace? The verses above say it all!
-God has given us grace so that it wouldn’t be something we work for or boast about but rather a gift that we give thanks for.
-God has given us grace so that those who believe by faith may take ahold of all that God desires to freely give to His beloved creation.
-God has given us grace so that we may extend that grace to the world! For we don’t work FOR grace because we work FROM grace! God has blessed us so that we may be a blessing!
That’s it! Think about it – Noah found favor with God to partner with Him and accomplish His plan, Moses found favor with God to deliver a nation and Mary found favor with God to bring Jesus into the earth for the salvation of all who believe.
You and I are too blessed to hoard the things we’ve so freely been given! God’s forgiven you – so forgive! God’s given you grace – so be gracious towards others! God’s given you favor – so share that favor with the world around you! You are blessed to bless! You have wealth to give, love to share and gifts to use! You’ve been saved by grace and created for good works! Don’t wait for when things are perfect – they never will be! Choose to partner with God right now, right where you are with what you have. God will be glorified, others will be blessed and you will fulfilled as you fulfill your God given purpose!
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