What is your definition of grace? What is the best illustration you’ve heard depicting grace? Here is some of what I’ve come to learn about grace:
Grace is a beautiful thing! I’ve seen God’s grace at work in my own life and in the lives of both family and friends. I’ve watched hard hearts become soft and broken lives become whole all through the power of grace.
Grace simply means unmerited favor, receiving something you could never earn. It also means enabling power, God’s empowering presence comes to your aid and assists you so that you could do things you would never be able to do on your own. Scripture says that Jesus was filled with grace (John 1:17) and so he freely gave grace to all who came to him. He healed the sick, loved the broken and freed the captives. The truth is he still generously gives grace to all who come to him.
James 4:6 says, “God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.” God loves to give grace to those who acknowledge their need for it. He will not turn you away, rather he will accept you with open arms and empower you to live free. His grace is like an ocean in that it is limitless. The ocean waves crash upon the shore over and over and over again, never relenting. And that is a picture of God’s love and grace, it will never run dry! He desires to bless you and give one good gift after another. Make no mistake, you cannot earn his grace, it is a free gift – a never ending flow of blessings coming to wash over you! Receive his grace today through faith, believe in his goodness and experience his great favor!
Grace be with you,
Share your thoughts on grace below.
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