Last week I stayed at my sisters house in Ohio for a couple days while visiting. I loved every minute of it being with family (even the early wake up calls from my beautiful niece and nephew). Every time I walked by their entry way I noticed this wonderful piece of Art (actually created by my sister) which read,
“No guilt in life, no fear in death—
This is the power of Christ in me;
From life’s first cry to final breath,
Jesus commands my destiny.”
I’ve always loved this song (In Christ Alone) but I really loved this verse and that it was in the center of her house for all to see! I can imagine ten years from now when her children are teenagers and the Holy Spirit brings these truths to remembrance to help them in times of trouble or twenty five years from now when they’re singing this verse over their own children (by the way, never underestimate the power of truth and love that is sown into the heart of a child)!
Well, ever since I read that it’s stuck with me! God has brought it to my attention everyday sometimes two to three times a day! And at the same time I’ve also felt guilt for no apparent reason (condemnation and false accusations from the enemy). Not only that, I’ve picked up on the feelings of guilt from others. It’s like fear and guilt are in the air.
So, I want to speak to these things right now (so if you’re feeling fear or guilt and know others who are as well I kindly ask that you will agree with me in prayer). “God, I speak to the lies of fear and guilt that the enemy is sowing and right now in Jesus name I take authority over them! They have no place in the hearts of your children. Rather in place of those things I speak joy and peace! I pray that our hearts will overflow with your love and goodness. Bring a confidence in knowing that we are loved, forgiven and saved! Who the sons sets free is free indeed and God we are free! Thank you Lord, and it’s in Jesus name we pray, amen!”
Remember: No guilt in life and no fear in death!
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