“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7
Lately God has been speaking to me about the spirit of fear and how it is all around us and how it is trying to get in us. Fear started in the garden and has been present ever since. Although today it seems to be magnified by social media and the news, it’s always been at work. From generation to generation fear has been trying to keep us from experiencing the wholeness that God has intended for us. After the fall Adam said he was afraid because he was naked. He hid from God and sewed fig leaves together to cover himself. In fear he hid from God and tried to cover himself to hide from Eve as well. Instead of going to God, fear led him away from God and caused separation in his connection with Eve as well.
Think about that for a minute. Fear has the ability to keep you from going to God and instead leads you to self medicate and try to solve your problems apart from God. Fear not only affects your relationship with God, it also creates problems in your relationships with others. Fear leads to self preservation – rather than trusting God’s care for you you’re thinking about yourself and your own well-being. Such thinking often leads to even more mistakes. Fear can lead to an increase in stress, tension in relationships and frustration with daily routines. It manifests itself in anger, anxiety, a desire for control and many other ugly things!
But let me remind all of us, “God has not given us a spirit of fear.” So when we begin to experience fear in it’s various forms, we must immediately recognize that it’s not from God and it’s not for us!
We really have only two choices when fear shows its ugly head:
We can let thoughts of fear linger and become anxious, angry, frustrated, stressed, controlling, selfish and attempt to hide it by self-medicating through our vice of choice – leaving us with the same fear and more problems.
We can bring our fear before the Lord, give it to Him and appropriate His promises on our behalf leaving us blessed, at rest, peaceful, joyful and whole.
So which would you rather? Are you tired of being afraid? Are you ready to let go and let God fight for you? Take up the word of God! Recite these truths over and over again, “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and a sound mind.” Make it personal, “God has not given ME a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and a sound mind.” Get specific, “God has not given me a spirit of ___________ (fear, anxiety, stress, self preservation, etc.), but of power and of love and a sound mind.”
That’s right! God’s given you a spirit of power to overcome every lie of doubt and fear with faith! God’s given you a spirit of love to stay the course with love in your heart, not resorting to a selfish way of life. And God’s given you a spirit of a sound mind (disciplined mind, saved mind) that has the ability to take thoughts captive, rise up in faith and trust that God is good and He’s going to take great care of you!
So next time fear sneaks its way into your heart and tries to take control of your thoughts recognize it’s just a lie and it’s not from God! God is good and God works all things for the good of those who love him (Romans 8:28). This along with countless other promises from God assures us that we have nothing to fear! Nothing from the past, nothing in the present and nothing in the future – for nothing can separate us from His love (Romans 8:37-39) and His perfect love drives out fear (1 John 4:18).
How do you overcome fear? I’d love to hear! Comment below!
(Also for more on this subject check out Psalm 27 as King David rightly deals with fear by remembering who God is and seeking His presence.)
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