Holidays are some of my favorite days because regardless of what holiday we’re celebrating they always end up being days centered around family as well. Father’s Day is always a favorite because well, I love being a dad! Honestly it’s one of the best things in the world! I love being there when my kids wake up and I love laying them down to sleep. I love just watching them, listening to them, spending time with them. I love sharing moments together and making memories with them.
Last years Father’s Day started something like this…when I woke up I was showered with gifts! Specifically two different kinds of gifts. Gifts from the heart and gifts that involved working together – let me explain: I loved getting their homemade cards and the little trophies they built saying, “World’s Greatest Dad” as I saw glimpses into their little hearts. It was special! The other gifts were three different fishing poles, one for me and one for each of my oldest boys. Emily apparently asked the boys what they wanted to get me for Father’s Day and they said they wanted to go fishing with me so that’s what we did!
Now I won’t tell you if we caught any fish (although I think I just did) ha! But what I will say is that we had a great time together just sitting there with each other, enjoying each other’s company. We got rained on for a few minutes, we listened to the ocean waves crash all around us, we felt the strong winds from the west and we even saw a couple dolphins swim within a few feet of us. It was a special day!
So why am I telling you this? Because it’s exactly what the Lord has been teaching me lately! God has been leading me to simply enjoy Him more and more! The three words that come to mind and stand out are “Friends of God!” In John 15:15 Jesus said, “I no longer call you servants, I call you friends.” Beloved, God calls us friends! He desires that we would enjoy His company just as He, a good good Father enjoys our company.
He desires that we would delight in Him just as He delights in us!
It is the very heart of God that we would not get lost in our work, overwhelmed by our problems or distracted by lesser things, rather we would be like small children on Father’s Day enjoying their father’s company and delighting in doing things with their father!
Hear the word of the Lord! Regardless of what season of life you are in don’t allow anything to get in the way of your friendship with God!Don’t allow problems to bring you to a negative place! Life is too short and too special to miss moments that may pass you by! For even in the darkest season God is near, His friendship towards us is loyal and He invites us to sit with Him and enjoy just being in His presence.
We may get rained on, we may face strong winds (even storms) but as we are spending time with Him we will see some amazing things, share some sweet moments and make some unforgettable memories together. Beloved, we are called friends of God! My prayer for us in this season is this that we would go deep in our friendship with God and know Him in ways we didn’t think possible. I pray that we won’t settle with anything less than an amazing friendship with God Himself!
PS I would be remiss if I didn’t share with you the regular encouragement I send out each week. If you would like to be encouraged regularly then subscribe to receive my free devotionals via email @ http://www.johnsilkauskasministries.com/about/
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