Have you ever felt discouraged? Whether you’ve just been stuck in a rut or see no light at the end of the tunnel? I think we’ve all been there before.
But when we do get there, how do we get out of it? Do we stay in that lonely miserable place for days or do we recognize it immediately and rise up out of it?
I’m sure we’ve done both before and if we are honest most of us are right in-between both.
In this episode of “Seconds with Silk” I share four ways that help me get out of that rut EVERY TIME!
Join me today and not only will you be encouraged but you will be prepared to encourage yourself next time you find yourself feeling down.
I’d also LOVE to hear from YOU! What are ways that you encourage yourself? Join the conversation and comment below! And if this short message encouraged you, will you share it with a friend who you might be thinking of right now who could use some encouragement.
Until next time…Be Encouraged! 🙂
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.