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Have you ever had a Dream that you didn’t understand?

If you are like most of us you probably have!

In scripture God speaks to people over 20,000 times! Dreams are just one of many ways that God speaks, in fact he speaks through dreams over 100 times in the bible! And often times huge life changing events came out of those dreams.

It’s important to never write off a dream thinking to ourselves, “Oh that was nothing!” Rather we should pray and seek Godly counsel concerning our dreams.

For there are many types of dreams and many messages God is wanting to speak to you (even while you sleep).

Watch and grow in your understanding and stay tuned as I will be releasing a FREE audio course in the very near future all about Hearing God’s Voice (How to, impressions, visions, dreams, etc.)

Thanks so much for your support!

We are praying for you!

with love,

John & Emily Silkauskas

    John Silkauskas is the executive director of JSM, author of various ebooks, creator of several audio courses, and the creator of “Seconds with Silk” an inspiring video blog dealing with Life, Love, Leadership & Relationships. He serves as one of the pastors of a growing church in Clearwater, Florida. He is a sought after speaker and has a passion to reach people with the life transforming love of God! He shares practical truth in relevant and creative ways and desires to encourage, equip and empower others to create a life they love. He and his wife Emily have been married for ten years and have four sons and one daughter. He loves dating his wife, playing with his children and going on adventures with his family.

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