You know what I’m doing this Christmas?
That’s right! In the midst of a very busy time, filled with ministry and get-togethers, I’m pulling back the reigns and slowing down. I’m watching less TV, doing fewer unnecessary things and coming back to the heart of worship. I’m coming back to what the holiday is truly meant to be.
Christmas is one of my favorite times of the year for many reasons. Yes, I love the food, the sweets, the shopping, the gifts, the time with family and friends; however, one of my absolute favorite things about Christmas is a simple tradition that Emily and I share with each other and the kids: Every night during the season of Advent we start the bedtime process a half hour early. We purposely and intentionally slow down and make room for God in a very special way. We read, we pray, we light the candle(s) and sing songs of praise and worship. It’s a very simple, yet powerful time! God is faithful, and He meets our little family around our dinner table every evening. It’s a humbling and beautiful experience!
We make space for God, and He comes and fills that space with His presence! I cherish these times for a few reasons: First, I’m teaching my children something very important and pray that they make this a practice for the rest of their lives. Second, we all get to share in the moment and worship together. Third, this allotted time — where we intentionally slow down — reminds me what I’m really here for: an intimate relationship with God himself!
Will you choose to be intentional this Christmas season and slow down with me? Will you remove some of the distractions and spend time in the presence of the God who made you, knows you and loves you? I promise you will be greatly refreshed as you purpose it in your heart to slow down and make room for the King!
PS I would be remiss if I didn’t share with you the regular encouragement I send out each week. If you would like to be encouraged regularly then subscribe to receive my free devotionals via email @ http://www.
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