3 Things God Reveals Through Scripture

And How They Can Benefits Us

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God speaks over 20,000 times in Scripture! He speaks through dreams, visions, signs, creation, prophets, the law and even a still small voice to name a few. As the Scripture says, “In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways,  but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son.” Hebrews 1:1-2

The good news for us today is that He still speaks! He speaks through His still small voice, our pastor, spouse, a child, circumstances, strangers, countless ways really. While God can speak to us countless ways He primarily speaks through the Holy Spirit, his Son Jesus and through His Word. The Word of God is living and active (Hebrews 4:12) and it reveals to us what’s on the very mind of God! Today I’d like to touch on 3 primary things that God reveals through Scripture and how these truths can benefits us.

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The Word of the Lord

Years ago God gave me a word that tremendously helped me then and continues to help me now (especially in the season we’re in). It’s a word that is thousands of years old and yet it’s truths are relevant for us today! People came to Jehoshaphat, the king of Judah and told him that a vast army was coming upon him! He immediately called a fast and spent some time in prayer seeking God’s help and wisdom. Jehoshaphat admitted his inability to do anything without God’s assistance and in his uncertainty he said this to the Lord some of the wisest words ever spoken, “We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you.” 2 Chronicles 20:12

How many times do we not know what to do and instead of looking to the Lord we look to google or ourselves? Here Jehoshaphat looks to God and invites God’s mighty hand to move on behalf of all of Judah! In this prayer of desperation and transparency Jehoshaphat shows two great qualities:

-Humble Dependance upon God

-Bold Faith that God would be his rescue

And God responds to his faith and assures him by saying, “Do not be afraid or discouraged…for the battle is not yours, it’s the Lords.” 2 Chronicles 20:15 Just that word alone would give you the courage to face any army! Think of the most difficult things you’re facing right now and hear these words, “The battle is not yours, it’s mine says the Lord!” Hearing these words bring immediate peace, they take the pressure and stress off of you and give you reason to trust God and rejoice. And that’s exactly what happened to the people of Judah, they rejoiced! Instead of going to battle with weapons they went with songs! And do you know what happened? The Lord fought for them! God set ambushes against their enemies and caused their enemies to get confused and kill each other. Jehoshaphat and the people of Judah enjoyed all of the plunder and God gave them rest on every side!

In this chapter of scripture there really are countless words from the Lord but I want to leave you with two that have powerfully helped me:

  1. When you don’t know what to do look to God (and keep looking to Him)
  2. Trust God with your difficulty, let Him fight your battle and simply praise Him

That’s it! Look to Jesus!!! He will be your guide, He will fight for you and you can simply trust Him and rejoice in knowing that He is good and He is fighting for you! Rest in this truth and rejoice in your God!

Blessings my friends!


PS If you’d like to hear a beautiful song that helps bring this home click here —> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvFTgNd6Iko

PPS I would be remiss if I didn’t share with you the regular encouragement I send out each week. If you would like to be encouraged regularly then subscribe to receive my devotionals via email @ http://www.johnsilkauskasministries.com/about/

Get Ready for a Move of God!

We are about to see an unprecedented move of God in the earth! He is pouring out His Spirit and many will see and fear and put their trust in the Lord! God has prepared us to receive all that He has for us, soon we will see the lost found, the sick healed, and amazing miracles all over the place! The Church is rising up and becoming all that God has foreseen it would be. Scriptures that come to mind are:

-Look at the nations and watch– and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told. Habakkuk 1:5

-For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea. Habakkuk 2:14

-Yes, Lord, walking in the way of your laws, we wait for you; your name and renown are the desire of our hearts. Isaiah 26:8

I see the body of Christ becoming one beautiful unified bride! I see believer’s hearts fully surrendering to the Lord and seeking only that His name would be glorified in the earth! I see people encountering the Lord in powerful ways, I see change and transformation in people’s hearts and lives and the by product of this will look like marriages being healed, families coming together and the Church fulfilling the great commission both near and far, yes locally and around the world!

Oh how we are living in exciting times! “See, the Sovereign LORD comes with power, and he rules with a mighty arm. See, his reward is with him, and his recompense accompanies him.” Isaiah 40:10 He is coming! His Spirit is being poured out around the world, yes the Lord is stirring faith in the hearts of His children and we will be as one! One with Him and one with each other! The word of the Lord is, “Get ready!”

And may God get all the glory!


PS I would be remiss if I didn’t share with you the regular encouragement I send out each week. If you would like to be encouraged regularly then subscribe to receive my devotionals via email @ http://www.johnsilkauskasministries.com/about/

Are You Listening?

In Matthew 4:4 Jesus says that, “Man does not live on bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” Here Jesus is giving us insight as to how we’re called to live. Life is not merely about eating, drinking and being merry rather there is more to life! We’re called to live not just for the natural things of life, we’re called to live for a supernatural purpose. That word “super” simply means “above” so we’re called to live our lives above just the natural things. So if food is a natural source of strength and something we so often work for and pay sometimes a great amount of money for, then God’s words are our food and our source of strength in life and ought to be sought after regularly. See we are called to live by every word that comes from the mouth of God. His words are spirit, they are life, He speaks through His written word and He speaks to our hearts through His Spirit and we are called to live by these words! Jesus said it again in John 4:34 like this, “My food is to do the will of He who sent me.”

God brings life, strength and encouragement to us through His word and He also gives us purpose and direction! He reveals to us the path of life in His presence! He shows us what we’re to do and why we’re here, along with also filling us with joy and peace. So, to bring encouragement to your hearts today I thought I would share some of what the Father has been speaking to me lately:

  • Be encouraged even when you don’t see my hand moving, be encouraged even when you don’t feel like you are doing anything for me and be encouraged when you question where you think you should be, just trust me.
  • I am with you and I am working all this (yes, even this) for your good!
  • I love you with an everlasting love and I am working behind the scenes to make wrong things right! Yes the money of the wicked will be laid up for the righteous, yes the wrong things will be made right. Continue to walk closely with me and you will see all things things take place.
  • Too many are distracted by their surroundings and the negative things in their lives but lo, I am at work in secret even behind the things that you can see. Behold you cannot see this great work but I promise you it will come to pass and it will happen soon. Continue to wait on me.
  • Don’t focus on the negative things you see, for I’ve called you to live by faith, set your eyes on me and rejoice in knowing that I am at work in the earth today.
  • Believe me for MORE!
  • Keep coming back to me, keep praying and believing for there is great power in prayer and I am calling you to a deeper place in prayer, I am calling you to get ready for the things that I am going to do in the earth, pray!
  • Rest in my love for you, do not worry about all these things, simply rest, seek me first and often and I will keep you in perfect peace.

I share these things with you as you most likely can identify with some or all of what God is speaking to me, simply because we are His Church and the Spirit of the Lord is often saying the same thing to different members of the body. For there is one body and there is one Spirit. I share these words in hopes that they will speak to you and encourage you to spend time listening to the words that proceed from the mouth of God this week. He loves you and yes he is speaking, are you listening?


(Other Scriptures Referenced: John 6:63, Psalm 16:11, Ephesians 4:4)


I would be remiss if I didn’t share with you the regular encouragement I send out each week. If you would like to be encouraged regularly then subscribe to receive my devotionals via email @http://www.johnsilkauskasministries.com/about/

The Hour At Hand

This is what the Spirit of the Lord is saying to the Church in this hour: “Don’t throw away your confidence, which has a great reward. For you need endurance, so that after you have done God’s will, you may receive what was promised.” Hebrews 10:35-37

We are living in very exciting times right now, the season that we are going into is going to be filled with joy and promise! Seriously filled! God’s presence is going to be greatly felt in the earth, an awakening is coming (even now I can sense His presence in powerful ways)! So, don’t give up or grow weary, you’re too close now! Great reward is coming for those who believe! Great favor is being poured out upon God’s children all over the world, receive it now by faith! Although the trials have been great and many they have produced things needed for the journey ahead. God is producing great endurance in the hearts of His children and as we endure we receive the promise!

Pray with me, “God, even now I say yes to you and all that you desire to do in me and in the earth today. Come Holy Spirit, fill me and send me where you desire, use me for your glory! Thank you for producing in me things needed for the journey, and now by faith I say yes to joy and promise! Surround me with favor as a shield, fill me with joy and laughter, let these things abound in me, my family and the Church! Come with promise Lord, all that you’ve promised and more! Let it be exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think in Jesus name, amen!”