Quantity vs. Quality

What’s really better? What’s needed more? What about the busy seasons of life?

God created family, he has a patent on it 🙂 He created us to be relational beings, to have a relationship with Him and with one another. The word relationship by definition means CONNECTION. The greater the connection the greater the relationship.

Too many people buy the lie, “Since I’m in the same room I’m having quality time.” Sure there are times a family can bond around the TV all watching a show or movie together but this is rare. The real quality time comes when you shut the TV off, turn off your devices and engage with the people that are IN THE ROOM with you.

You can be around your family but not really there if that makes sense. Too often this is a sad reality for most, your heart or mind is elsewhere while your spouse and children are crying out for your attention. Not your half-hearted acknowledgement of them but your complete attention, a fully engaged heart, all in!

I’ve noticed when I’m intentional about things that need to get done I accomplish a lot more. I’ve also noticed that this is true not just at work. We need to be intentional about the time that we have with our loved ones and really press in and find out what’s going on in their hearts. We need to let go of all that we worry, stress and think about. We need to let go and just play, laugh, and make memories with our loved ones.

Some would argue that there is no need for quantity if the time together is quality time and although I agree that quality time is more important I would also argue that there needs to be times of quantity as well.

Especially in the busy seasons of life, if you don’t take time to allow your soul to be filled with the love of your family you will burn out or worse blow a gasket and make some horrible decisions.

So this week take an evening, take a day, take a weekend and ENGAGE with the people closest to you. Spend (both quantity AND quality) time with your loved ones and make memories that will last a lifetime.

Praying for you friends,


What You Shouldn’t Tell Your Children

What you shouldn’t tell your children

Ever wonder what you shouldn’t tell your children? Are there some things that you just shouldn’t talk about with your kids?

I’m going to answer that question BOLDLY!


We are called to teach them what is right, what is true and what is not. The truth is if we don’t talk to our children about certain things in life they will discover things for themselves or be introduced to things from unreliable sources, create their own ideas on the matter and in many cases believe things that aren’t true.

There were so many questions I had growing up but didn’t feel like I could ask my parents. I came to some horrible conclusions about life, money, girls, sex, you name it! Left to my own thoughts and conclusions at a young age proved to be destructive, I didn’t know who I was or why I was here. I even had suicidal thoughts because I didn’t understand life and the confusion brought me great pain. But thanks be to God I found the truth at rock bottom (the sad thing is many people never do).

You know that a study was done this year that says nine out of ten boys see pornography by the age of eight. Do you know where they see it more than anywhere else? The bus stop! School. With friends. All you need is a smart phone, or any other device for that matter.

Hear me say this loudly:

If you are not talking to your children about EVERYTHING I can promise you somebody else is!

Be the voice you want them to hear, teach them at a young age so when they do encounter something new (that they may be unsure about) they already know what to do because you’ve had the conversation.

Every chance you get, take it! On a car ride, at dinner, at the mall or the playground. Teach your children the truth! Teach them to love God! Teach them to listen to the Holy Spirit. Prepare them for life in the real world. Talk to them about difficult things now so that you will save them from experiencing difficult things later.

I hope you hear my heart and I hope you start talking…about EVERYTHING!

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.” Deuteronomy 6:5-7

Praying for you my friends,


PS Start Talking

It Doesn’t Do Any Good

I get it, I get it, people go through so many difficult things and they think the appropriate response is to…well…COMPLAIN.

I’ve been there, we all have, and every once in a while I catch myself still doing it. But I made a commitment to myself years ago that I would not complain. It hasn’t been easy but it’s gotten easier 🙂

Why complain about things that you can change? Why complain and do nothing when you could do something and not complain?

The truth is whether it’s things in your control or not, it doesn’t do any good to complain about it. Your blessings far outweigh the difficult things in your life. Face it, you’re blessed! Don’t believe me? Start listing the good things in your life, one by one. Before you know it you’ll find yourself realizing just how blessed you are.

Today don’t give in to the temptation to complain rather give thanks and trust God. You will be a whole lot happier and you will shine like stars in the nights sky!

“Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe.” Philippians 2:14-15



5 Ways To Have More Confidence

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I used to struggle with confidence. Who hasn’t? Anytime you face change, are in a new environment or around new people the temptation to allow fear to control you will be present. If we allow fear to linger the worst possible thing happens – we hide who we really are.

So, my question for you is this: are you tired of being uncertain of yourself at times? Tired of fear controlling you – keeping you from saying what’s on your heart or being who you really are?

Well, here is how I have grown in confidence – in this short video I share five practical ways in which you can grow in confidence!

Watch, be encouraged, find greater confidence and share with a friend!

You matter more than you think!




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If there is conflict inside it will always result in conflict outside!

If there is turmoil within you, everything around you will seem to compound. Problems unattended will cause even greater problems in many areas of your life.

The feelings of being overwhelmed will affect your productivity, your home life, and your closest relationships.

So what is it that keeps you up at night? What do you worry about?

What do you have to get done? What is the weight that’s on your shoulders? What is on your plate that is just overwhelming you?

In this very short video I will help you identify a SOLUTION to being overwhelmed and will challenge you to immediately put it into practice! As you do this you will find great peace and feel as if a HUGE weight has been lifted off your shoulders.

Watch now (and have a pen and paper handy)!


Praying for you my friends,
