“Be Open” This is what I feel the Spirit of the Lord is saying to us today. “Be open to what I am about to do for it may look different than you would expect.”
All throughout scripture we find people having a hard time with what God was doing, why is that? I’ll tell you, it’s because people we’re expecting God to do things a certain way. They had their own preconceived notions of how it would all play out. Think about it:
-People’s reaction to Jesus a carpenter’s boy from Nazareth being the Messiah,
-Peter’s reaction to Jesus as he shared how he would suffer, die and rise again,
-The pharisee’s reactions time and time again to what Jesus did and how he did it
-God’s choice of disciples
The list goes on! So what is God saying to us today? Don’t miss it! Be open to what I have for you because it may come in a way that you least expect.
“God give us eyes to see and hearts wide open to all that you have for us, amen!”
Praying for you friends,