Do you ever get frustrated and wish you had someone to help you in everyday life?
I know I do! Sometimes I wish there was a manual on marriage, a mechanic on call, a last minute babysitter, someone who could help me when I feel in over my head or when I just don’t have a clue what I’m doing.
Although I may not have all of these things, I do know one who can help in all of these areas.
Do you know that God is our helper? He is! Over and over it’s all throughout scripture, even the very name of the Holy Spirit means helper!
I’ve come to take Him up on His offer more and more lately. I’ve lived long enough to know when someone is offering to help – you should let them! Over the years God has given me great joy and sweet peace, He has helped me through very difficult times and He loves to help me in the small things too!
Take my advice and ask Him for help today! Allow His Spirit to comfort you, direct you and HELP you! You will be glad you did, you will find life become a little easier and you will have more joy along the way!
“The Lord is my helper” Hebrews 13:6
He is faithful to help us ANYTIME WE NEED IT!