What Jesus said about Honor and what it means for us today.

In Mark chapter six we find Jesus returning to his hometown after traveling the region teaching with great wisdom and working countless miracles. However in this chapter it’s recorded that Jesus could not do any miracles there… Wow! Jesus, the very Son of God – unable to do any miracles! Why? Well, as Jesus put it, “Only in his hometown, among his relatives and in his own house is a prophet without honor.” (Mark 6:4).

All because of a lack of honor these people were left sick, in need and without divine assistance. They judged Jesus on what they thought they knew about him and therefore were offended with the idea that he could be more than what they assumed he was. They treated him as common and therefore missed the blessings the Father was trying to get to them.

The same is true for us today: When we treat God and His Word as common we limit their benefits in our lives. God is wanting to bless you and he often desires to bless you in ways that you least expect. What we need the most often comes in packages that we least expect. This is why honor is so important in our world today. We miss out on what God has for us when we treat people as common, but when we choose to honor others we now position ourselves to receive from them. According to 1 Peter 2:17 We’re called to, “Honor all men.” From our parents to our spouses, from our authorities to our neighbors, from our friends to our enemies, even strangers. When we do we position ourselves to receive what God desires to give us (even through the most unlikely sources). Today I challenge you to Honor God, His Word, His Presence and the people in your life. This simply means that you value them, you treat them with regard, you deem them important and what they say carries weight. I truly believe that blessings from heaven will freely flow into your life as honor is restored within your heart.

And today I honor you and thank you for who you are and for allowing me to speak into your lives.

Blessings my friends,


PS If you enjoyed this short devotional and want to grow in your understanding of the power of honor in your everyday life, take 30 minutes and hear my most recent message CLICK HERE.

3 Benefits of Change

Many of us don’t like change but why? Change can be hard for us to deal with because change means something different, it presents new unknowns and for those of us who like to know everything or control everything this can be very difficult. Change also provides opportunity to worry but then again what doesn’t? You can choose to worry about change or with courage and faith you can learn to embrace it.

I’d like to share a few thoughts on “Change” that may change the way you think about it. Although there are many great things that come with change, I’ve chosen to focus on the following three:


The first benefit of change is growth. Change carries with it the potential for great growth: Personal, relational, corporate, etc. Just take a look at anything that is living, if it’s living it’s growing. The only things that don’t grow are those that have no life in them. Change provides an opportunity for you and I to learn new things, to grow as individuals and to gain new insights about ourselves and about life. I want to be filled with life, always learning, always growing and always welcoming change!


The second benefit of change is flexibility. This is a great characteristic to have. It’s a desired quality for all who want to have successful relationships with the people in their lives. If relationships are all about connecting different individuals then flexibility is a quality you’re going to want to have. The more change you experience in life, the more opportunities you’ll have to grow and become more flexible!

New Beginnings

The third benefit of change is new beginnings. I love new beginnings from a new day to a new week to a new month to a new year. I love the newness of life and as you and I learn to embrace change we learn to love new beginnings happening all around us. With change comes new choices, opportunities for new paths and the opportunity to turn the page. Change helps people move past their past, close one chapter and start a new one, and change often helps people get “unstuck.” Change brings new beginnings and an excitement to life that wouldn’t be present without change.

Change is good!

I hope that you welcome change as an opportunity to grow, to be more flexible and to experience new beginnings with excitement. Change isn’t always easy and there will always be the temptation to worry or complain but as believers we’re called to take our thoughts captive (2 Cor. 10:5), to not worry or complain about anything (Phil. 2:14 and 4:6), but rather trust and acknowledge God in all that we do (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Remember that God isn’t as concerned about all the changes that are happening in the world around us as he is with the changes happening in our hearts. He is more concerned with how we respond to those changes around us and how we are being changed more and more into His image and likeness! My prayer for us is that we will respond well, that we will be filled with courage and faith and that we will be made more like Jesus in the process.

“And the Lord—who is the Spirit— makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image.” 2 Corinthians 3:18



What are You Saying Daily?

There is power in our words and we can never be reminded of this enough! Scripture says in Proverbs 18:21 “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.” This is just one of many truths about the power that is in our words (life and death)! Just think about what our words can do:

-We can build others up or we can tear them down

-We can comfort others or we can hurt them

-We can cripple or we can encourage

-We can discourage or we can share hope

-We can pass judgement or we can love

-We can criticize or we can praise

-We can complain or we can give thanks

And the list goes on! Today I challenge you to think of the words that you allow to come out of your mouth. Guard from allowing anything negative to come from your mouth today and be generous in giving thanks, praising God and encouraging others.

Here is my prayer for us today: God help us to tame our tongues! Help us to not allow any negative speech to come from our mouths but rather words filled with life that will bless and encourage all who hear. Use our words to build others up today in Jesus name, amen.

Blessings my friends, I’ll end this today by saying what my middle son always says to those he loves, “You’re the best!”


PS If you want to hear more on the power of the tongue here is a 5 minute video that expounds more:  Change Your Words, Change Your Future

3 Keys to Contentment

When is enough actually enough?

We all want more and when we get “more” we often end up wanting “even more” and the cycle never ends. So in our ever pursuit of “more” we end up having too much stuff, in debt, unhappy and still wanting more! Have you been there before? You might be there right now as it’s never been easier to be discontent. First it was regular media telling us we need more, now it’s social media shouting it from the rooftops!

We live in a world where people are glued to their phones misled into thinking ‘likes’ are equivalent for a real relationship. Too often people compare their everyday lives with other peoples highlight reel and become embittered, jealous and discontent left wanting more. And if you haven’t noticed while you are busy wanting more you are actually giving away the one thing you really want and that is PEACE.

So in an effort to end this vicious cycle too many of us find ourselves in I’d like to bring it to light and share practical ways in which you can escape this life sucking behavior. Here are three keys to becoming content:

1. Trust God

I find it interesting that King David in the 23rd Psalm said, “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.” It’s a famous psalm known by many but what is David really saying? He’s saying that when he trusts God’s leadership in his life he becomes content. Imagine not wanting in any area of life… Imagine being content at home, at work, in your finances, with your health, in your relationships – not wanting for anything! This is what David was saying and it all starts with trusting that God is good and that He knows how to take good care of his children.

I’ve found that the best ways for me to grow in trusting God are by thinking of His character, how He’s taken care of me over the years and how faithful He has always proved Himself to be. Being a parent also helps me to trust God: when I think of how much I love my kids and how I want the absolute best for them, I know the same is true with God being my Father. He knows us better than we know ourselves, He loves us more than anyone on earth and He knows what we need and when we need it. In Acts 17 the Apostle Paul talks about God establishing the time and location of our lives. God has you where he wants you, not so you’ll be unhappy and discontent but so that you would reach out to Him! He is not a God who is far away, He is a God who is near! Want to learn to be more content? Trust God more and ask Him to fill the void in your heart!

2. Don’t Compare

The fastest way to become depressed is to look at what everyone else has and is doing and compare it to what you have and are doing. Say for example you are connected to one hundred people on social media, many of them don’t post anything because they never post anything or because nothing is going on at that time worth posting. Then you will have a few people who might be venting or complaining and then maybe ten or fifteen people posting exciting things happening in their lives. So, what do you do? Well, if you’re like most people the temptation for you is to generalize and exaggerate by focusing on what “everybody” has or is doing and then think negatively about what you don’t have and aren’t doing.

It’s really a misconception! Behind the exciting posts, sweet stories and awesome pictures are broken people with real problems just like you and me. Don’t be deceived into comparing your everyday life with someones highlight reel. Just don’t be deceived into comparing period. Because whenever you do compare you either end up with a elevated sense of false confidence OR you end up jealous, unhappy, negative and depressed. Neither are a great place to be so simply avoid both by not comparing.

3. Stop Thinking and Start Thanking

When every commercial on TV and every billboard on the road tells you you’re missing out on what really makes life meaningful and exciting you can easily fall into the trap of thinking they are right. “If I only had ______ (fill in the blank) I would be happy.” It’s easy to get down and discouraged about certain things in your life and if you’re looking everywhere but up you are destined down that miserable and lonely road. Sure the car you’re driving may not be what you really want but when you stop looking around and start looking up you will find that your attitude quickly changes! Instead of getting down because of what you don’t have you start giving thanks for what you do have. And this changes everything!

Your thoughts go from negative to positive in a flash!  Instead of being discontent with the vehicle you don’t have you start giving thanks for the transportation you do have. Instead of complaining about the friends you don’t have you start thanking God for the ones that you do have! Instead of worrying about the money you wish you had you start praising God for the money that you do have. Not only will you find yourself content, you will find yourself happy, blessed and grateful! Remember life isn’t about having what you love, it’s about loving what you have. Be grateful for the people in your life and the opportunities that you have – you really are more blessed than you think…

Let’s trust God, let’s stop comparing and let’s stop thinking and start thanking!

Blessings my friends,


PS Grow with me for FREE each week! Subscribe to my emails and receive regular encouragement throughout the week!

God’s Prescription

People who wear glasses often cannot see things clearly without them. Things might be a little fuzzy or extremely blurry, that is until they put their prescription glasses on and suddenly things come into focus, they can clearly see and identify both people and things very accurately.

I think this is a great illustration for life. God’s “prescription” for us is his word and we “wear” that prescription through faith. Life apart from his word and without faith is confusing. It’s hard to make sense of if you can’t clearly see. However through faith in God’s word we are able to identify his purpose in our lives and he helps us see things clearly.

Take Romans 8:28 for example, “And we know that God works all things for the good of those who love him and have been called according to his purpose.” If we see life through the lens of this promise, even when things don’t make sense we can rejoice and have confidence that God will work it ALL for our good. Think about that! We can have peace and joy in the midst of our most difficult trial because God’s word helps us see things we could never see on our own (without his prescription).

So no matter what you may be going through I encourage you to find a promise in God’s word and allow it help you see the way you were meant to see.

Be encouraged today!
