You have a gift! A God-given natural ability that is the secret key to your success in life. When you identify your gift and begin to utilize it, your gift will make a way for you and bring you great joy and fulfillment! We’ve all been given gifts. Natural abilities in certain areas. It’s evident when watching your favorite sports team – certain individuals are incredibly gifted with athletic abilities. Other people you know have a real gift with words, you can listen to them talk all day. Whether it’s music, math or mechanics, analyzing, accounting or administrating, we all have a gift! The question is: How do we discover and identify what those gifts are?
It took a little time to discover what my gifts were, but once I identified what they were and began utilizing them consistently they’ve caused me to excel and thrive! That’s why I’m excited to share this content with you – it’s my hope that you will discover more of what your gift is and how to utilize it in a way that not only blesses you but also blesses the world around you! In this brief video I not only share how to identify your gift but also what to do with your gift once you’ve identified it.
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