Two Things

I have two words for you today:

1. Trust God

Many times the cares of the world cloud our minds and we forget that God is a good father and that he knows how to take good care of his children. Stop worrying and stressing about your bills and all of the “what ifs” of tomorrow. God loves you and he will take care of you! Set your eyes back on God and speak his word over your situation.

“You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You because he trusts in You.” Isaiah 26:3

“And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory.” Philippians 4:19

2. Get to work serving others

It’s easy to get comfortable within the confines of our own homes, to turn on the TV, open our laptops or be on our phones. Distractions are many and entertainment is well…entertaining! But God has called us to abundant life and abundant life is more than watching other people live. We are called to get involved and serve the people all around us. The world is hurting, there is so much brokenness in the earth today. The lie we often buy is, “What can I do?”

Well, Jesus calls you the light of the world! You are the hands and feet of Jesus in the earth today! God has given you talents, gifts and resources that you can use to share God’s love with the world around you. So may this challenge you today to GET UP and GET OUT! The lost, the broken, the hurting, the lonely and the confused are waiting…

“Whom shall I send and who will go for us? Then I said, “Here am I. Send me!” Isaiah 6:8

“Each one of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10

That’s it!

Trust God for your miracle and be someone else’s miracle while you’re at it!



Responding to Criticism, Defeat, Discouragement and Disappointment

How do you respond to criticism, defeat, discouragement and disappointment? We are bound to face all of these at some point in our lives and for many of us we will face them often. So how do YOU respond in these difficulties?

I have to admit that immediately when any one of these things come into my life I am often affected by them…for a moment! In the past I would let criticism, defeat, discouragement and disappointment take me out for hours, days and even weeks at times but that is not the case anymore. I’ve learned to identify them and quickly rise above the negative state they attempt to leave me in. Did you know that we can take authority over our negative emotions and stay in a place of peace?

God’s taught me several keys that help me identify negative feelings and quickly rise above them bringing me back to a place of peace and joy. Here’s what I’ve come to learn:

  • The quicker I get my eyes off of my situation and back onto God’s goodness and his love for me the quicker I feel like myself and have peace and joy
  • The moment I recognize the negative feelings I’m feeling from criticism, defeat, discouragement and disappointment I take them captive and start thanking God for my growth and ability to do so
  • Stop thinking inwardly and start thinking outwardly (instead of poor me I move to a positive place with the thought of how can I encourage others from this negative experience)
  • Pray: I acknowledge my feelings and then bring them to God in prayer and in exchange he gives me peace
  • I rejoice in faith because I know if I’m feeling any one of these things its from the enemy, who is obviously trying to stop me and keep me from moving forward (this encourages me because I know I’m on the right track and about to experience breakthrough in my life (that can potentially lead to breakthrough in many other lives as well)

I hope these few things bring you both encouragement and power to respond well to criticism, defeat, discouragement and disappointment.



My Cup is Full

This past week I had the chance to get away with my family and enjoy a nice vacation. It was my first time back to Ohio since we moved (almost one year ago – it’s hard to believe it’s been that long). We hit the road with three kids five and under and had plenty of ‘potty beaks’ along the way. After two days of driving we made it! We had a blast with both Emily’s family and mine as well. It was so refreshing to see some of our good friends and make new memories with our families.

As we were driving back yesterday I couldn’t help but think, “My cup is full.” There is something powerful about being around people who KNOW you and LOVE you! Besides God there is no one who knows you better than family and being loved by people who truly know you is a beautiful thing. I believe it’s a reflection of God’s love. He know’s us well (not only everything that we’ve ever done but every thought that we’ve ever had) and he loves us unconditionally.

This kind of love fills my heart and makes me glad. We are all blessed and loved by God and there is no greater love than his! Many times he will use people to love on us, encourage us and bless us. And many times he will use us to love, encourage and bless others. Today I encourage you to let God love on you today, enjoy time with loved ones and be a blessing to those around you.



“My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.” John 15:12

What’s the rush?

Do you ever feel rushed? Whether it’s by deadlines at work or the demands of life? It could be pressure you feel from family or friends, or your desire to please them. Maybe it’s your own doing where you put demands on yourself and make yourself anxious in the process. I believe the temptation is great to always feel busier than you actually are and more rushed than you should be. I see it everyday while driving (and I have to admit I sometimes fall into this trap while driving as well).

May you be encouraged by this brief word today: SLOW DOWN!

God never intended for us to be rushed, being rushed is really being anxious and often there is an absence of peace when we feel this way. We need to cast our cares upon the Lord, we need to slow down and breathe. Set all of life’s demands in the Lord’s hands and receive his peace. Trust God and rest in his love for you and his care for your life and your needs. Receive his peace in Jesus name! Let me say it again, “Peace be with you!”

Rest, relax, trust God and be filled with his peace and joy! You will not only be a happier person to be around, you yourself will be happier!



What do you do when you don’t know what to do?

What do you do when you don’t know what to do?

HAHA That is a funny question! And yet at the same time it is a very serious and real question for all of us at different times in our lives. So what do YOU do?

I know I’ve done many different things but the most rewarding thing I’ve done is this:

Turn to God! Now this looks very different at different times and seasons in my life. There are times I am broken before God with tears but without words. There are other times I am simply still, I get alone in his presence and just “Be” (kind of like king David in Psalm 46:10), “Be still and know that I am God.” And at other times when I don’t know what to do I just start thanking and praising God for who he is and what he’s already done. I thank him and praise him for his goodness and faithfulness to me and for how I know that he knows what I’m suppose to do.

See, he has the answer and when we learn to draw near to him in our uncertainty he often reveals to us the direction in which we should go. As we acknowledge him he will give us his peace and he will lead us by that peace as well. So, when you don’t know what to do turn to the one who knows all, receive his comfort and peace and allow him to lead you so you can confidently make those needed decisions with peace and assurance. (For more on this read 2 Chronicles 20, Proverbs 3:5-6, Isaiah 30:21, Jeremiah 29:11-13, Philippians 4:6-7, Colossians 3:15)

Blessings my friend,
