3 Keys to Contentment

When is enough actually enough?

We all want more and when we get “more” we often end up wanting “even more” and the cycle never ends. So in our ever pursuit of “more” we end up having too much stuff, in debt, unhappy and still wanting more! Have you been there before? You might be there right now as it’s never been easier to be discontent. First it was regular media telling us we need more, now it’s social media shouting it from the rooftops!

We live in a world where people are glued to their phones misled into thinking ‘likes’ are equivalent for a real relationship. Too often people compare their everyday lives with other peoples highlight reel and become embittered, jealous and discontent left wanting more. And if you haven’t noticed while you are busy wanting more you are actually giving away the one thing you really want and that is PEACE.

So in an effort to end this vicious cycle too many of us find ourselves in I’d like to bring it to light and share practical ways in which you can escape this life sucking behavior. Here are three keys to becoming content:

1. Trust God

I find it interesting that King David in the 23rd Psalm said, “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.” It’s a famous psalm known by many but what is David really saying? He’s saying that when he trusts God’s leadership in his life he becomes content. Imagine not wanting in any area of life… Imagine being content at home, at work, in your finances, with your health, in your relationships – not wanting for anything! This is what David was saying and it all starts with trusting that God is good and that He knows how to take good care of his children.

I’ve found that the best ways for me to grow in trusting God are by thinking of His character, how He’s taken care of me over the years and how faithful He has always proved Himself to be. Being a parent also helps me to trust God: when I think of how much I love my kids and how I want the absolute best for them, I know the same is true with God being my Father. He knows us better than we know ourselves, He loves us more than anyone on earth and He knows what we need and when we need it. In Acts 17 the Apostle Paul talks about God establishing the time and location of our lives. God has you where he wants you, not so you’ll be unhappy and discontent but so that you would reach out to Him! He is not a God who is far away, He is a God who is near! Want to learn to be more content? Trust God more and ask Him to fill the void in your heart!

2. Don’t Compare

The fastest way to become depressed is to look at what everyone else has and is doing and compare it to what you have and are doing. Say for example you are connected to one hundred people on social media, many of them don’t post anything because they never post anything or because nothing is going on at that time worth posting. Then you will have a few people who might be venting or complaining and then maybe ten or fifteen people posting exciting things happening in their lives. So, what do you do? Well, if you’re like most people the temptation for you is to generalize and exaggerate by focusing on what “everybody” has or is doing and then think negatively about what you don’t have and aren’t doing.

It’s really a misconception! Behind the exciting posts, sweet stories and awesome pictures are broken people with real problems just like you and me. Don’t be deceived into comparing your everyday life with someones highlight reel. Just don’t be deceived into comparing period. Because whenever you do compare you either end up with a elevated sense of false confidence OR you end up jealous, unhappy, negative and depressed. Neither are a great place to be so simply avoid both by not comparing.

3. Stop Thinking and Start Thanking

When every commercial on TV and every billboard on the road tells you you’re missing out on what really makes life meaningful and exciting you can easily fall into the trap of thinking they are right. “If I only had ______ (fill in the blank) I would be happy.” It’s easy to get down and discouraged about certain things in your life and if you’re looking everywhere but up you are destined down that miserable and lonely road. Sure the car you’re driving may not be what you really want but when you stop looking around and start looking up you will find that your attitude quickly changes! Instead of getting down because of what you don’t have you start giving thanks for what you do have. And this changes everything!

Your thoughts go from negative to positive in a flash!  Instead of being discontent with the vehicle you don’t have you start giving thanks for the transportation you do have. Instead of complaining about the friends you don’t have you start thanking God for the ones that you do have! Instead of worrying about the money you wish you had you start praising God for the money that you do have. Not only will you find yourself content, you will find yourself happy, blessed and grateful! Remember life isn’t about having what you love, it’s about loving what you have. Be grateful for the people in your life and the opportunities that you have – you really are more blessed than you think…

Let’s trust God, let’s stop comparing and let’s stop thinking and start thanking!

Blessings my friends,


PS Grow with me for FREE each week! Subscribe to my emails and receive regular encouragement throughout the week!

All 4 All

“He poured out his life unto death.” Isaiah 53:12

Over 2,000 years ago God gave us his ALL on a cross at Calvary. Jesus poured out his life for us and after healing the sick and loving the least, the last and the lost he suffered and died on a cross for you and for me. He then rose from the grave and since then he has been at the right hand of God praying for us!

If this doesn’t portray a loving God I’m not sure what does! He is a good father, the best of friends, patient, kind, gentle, loving, understanding, helpful and completely selfless! Basically he is worthy of our devotion, he is worthy of our lives!

So, today will you respond to his great grace and unconditional love by giving your all to him? We love him because he first loved us and we have been called to be co-laborers with him in the earth (1 Corinthians 3:9). We’re called to partner with him by giving our all as he gave his all.

Let’s give our all to him today in worship, prayer, devotion, faith, love and service. Jesus said, “You are the light of the world.” Matthew 5:14 Let’s partner with God and give our all today!

Let’s go light it up!


Responding to Criticism, Defeat, Discouragement and Disappointment

How do you respond to criticism, defeat, discouragement and disappointment? We are bound to face all of these at some point in our lives and for many of us we will face them often. So how do YOU respond in these difficulties?

I have to admit that immediately when any one of these things come into my life I am often affected by them…for a moment! In the past I would let criticism, defeat, discouragement and disappointment take me out for hours, days and even weeks at times but that is not the case anymore. I’ve learned to identify them and quickly rise above the negative state they attempt to leave me in. Did you know that we can take authority over our negative emotions and stay in a place of peace?

God’s taught me several keys that help me identify negative feelings and quickly rise above them bringing me back to a place of peace and joy. Here’s what I’ve come to learn:

  • The quicker I get my eyes off of my situation and back onto God’s goodness and his love for me the quicker I feel like myself and have peace and joy
  • The moment I recognize the negative feelings I’m feeling from criticism, defeat, discouragement and disappointment I take them captive and start thanking God for my growth and ability to do so
  • Stop thinking inwardly and start thinking outwardly (instead of poor me I move to a positive place with the thought of how can I encourage others from this negative experience)
  • Pray: I acknowledge my feelings and then bring them to God in prayer and in exchange he gives me peace
  • I rejoice in faith because I know if I’m feeling any one of these things its from the enemy, who is obviously trying to stop me and keep me from moving forward (this encourages me because I know I’m on the right track and about to experience breakthrough in my life (that can potentially lead to breakthrough in many other lives as well)

I hope these few things bring you both encouragement and power to respond well to criticism, defeat, discouragement and disappointment.



Don’t Stop Praying!

I know it may get hard at times and extremely difficult at others, but don’t give up and don’t stop praying! One of the greatest assets the Father has given us is our faith, yes we can shrink back in fear OR we can rise up in faith and trust God! You may question how you got where you are or why things are the way they are, you may feel worn and ready to throw in the towel…don’t!

See God is incredibly faithful and he is not far away, he is right there with you even now. He loves you and delights in you in ways you and I can hardly fathom. Take your eyes off of your discouraging situation and set them on things above! Give it to God today and believe that he is at work (because he is)!

Philippians 4:6 says, “Let you request be made known to God with thanksgiving.” Thanksgiving is the key because it represents trust and it immediately affects your heart, mind AND situation! As you pray thank God that he loves you and he’s working everything for your good, thank God that he’s working in your marriage, in your family, in your finances, in this nation and the world around us. Trust God and believe that he loves you, he is good and he hears your prayers!

Be encouraged today and don’t stop praying!

Believing with you!


“Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.” Philippians 4:7 (The Message)

Grace is a Beautiful Thing!

What is your definition of grace? What is the best illustration you’ve heard depicting grace? Here is some of what I’ve come to learn about grace:

Grace is a beautiful thing! I’ve seen God’s grace at work in my own life and in the lives of both family and friends. I’ve watched hard hearts become soft and broken lives become whole all through the power of grace.

Grace simply means unmerited favor, receiving something you could never earn. It also means enabling power, God’s empowering presence comes to your aid and assists you so that you could do things you would never be able to do on your own. Scripture says that Jesus was filled with grace (John 1:17) and so he freely gave grace to all who came to him. He healed the sick, loved the broken and freed the captives. The truth is he still generously gives grace to all who come to him.

James 4:6 says, “God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.” God loves to give grace to those who acknowledge their need for it. He will not turn you away, rather he will accept you with open arms and empower you to live free. His grace is like an ocean in that it is limitless. The ocean waves crash upon the shore over and over and over again, never relenting. And that is a picture of God’s love and grace, it will never run dry! He desires to bless you and give one good gift after another. Make no mistake, you cannot earn his grace, it is a free gift – a never ending flow of blessings coming to wash over you! Receive his grace today through faith, believe in his goodness and experience his great favor!

Grace be with you,


Share your thoughts on grace below.