Enter Into My Rest

Can you sense God drawing you closer to himself? There is something happening all over the earth right now. In the midst of riots and earthquakes God is awakening hearts and calling his sons and daughters to draw near to him.

In the same way that we see wars, deaths, fighting and unrest in the natural there is a peace that God is ministering to his people in the Spirit. It is a place of strength from which believers can draw from. I know you feel it, we are in a season of refreshing, outpouring and preparation. God is planning to do great and awesome things in our midst in the coming weeks and months. There will be many people coming to know the Lord in the very near future and not just in other countries around the world but yes even here in the U.S.

So, “Come away with me” the Spirit is saying. Find time to enter into my rest. For I am doing things within you, strengthening you and healing you for I am preparing to use you in greater ways in the coming days. So come and pray, come and wait a while. Remove distractions, consecrate yourself in my presence and I will fill you with great joy! Peace will be your portion. This is my strategy says the Lord, come away with me…

God’s Prescription

People who wear glasses often cannot see things clearly without them. Things might be a little fuzzy or extremely blurry, that is until they put their prescription glasses on and suddenly things come into focus, they can clearly see and identify both people and things very accurately.

I think this is a great illustration for life. God’s “prescription” for us is his word and we “wear” that prescription through faith. Life apart from his word and without faith is confusing. It’s hard to make sense of if you can’t clearly see. However through faith in God’s word we are able to identify his purpose in our lives and he helps us see things clearly.

Take Romans 8:28 for example, “And we know that God works all things for the good of those who love him and have been called according to his purpose.” If we see life through the lens of this promise, even when things don’t make sense we can rejoice and have confidence that God will work it ALL for our good. Think about that! We can have peace and joy in the midst of our most difficult trial because God’s word helps us see things we could never see on our own (without his prescription).

So no matter what you may be going through I encourage you to find a promise in God’s word and allow it help you see the way you were meant to see.

Be encouraged today!


What’s Your Story?!

God had promised to give his people the promise land and yet all throughout the journey his people doubted and complained. Even on the brink of entering into all that God had promised they were filled with doubt and fear saying things like:

-We can’t

-They are stronger than us

-They are like giants

-We are like grasshoppers

This doubt and fear filled the camp and Joshua and Caleb were outnumbered not by their enemies, but rather by their own people who simply didn’t believe! And yet in the midst of difficult circumstances, while facing great opposition and being surrounded by a culture of unbelief Joshua and Caleb had a different spirit! They held onto the promises of God and were filled with faith! Therefore God not only honored them, he honored their children as well!

God honors faith! No matter what you are facing, no matter what the people in your circle may be saying, believe God today and live! Believe in his word and in his promises and expect his blessing in your life! As you walk in faith you and your family will see his promises fulfilled in your life time. Be encouraged and believe!


“But my servant Caleb—this is a different story. He has a different spirit; he follows me passionately. I’ll bring him into the land that he scouted and his children will inherit it.” Numbers 14:14


3 Things Jesus Always Did and Why You Should Too (Not What You Might Think)

Habits You'll Want To Implement

3 things Jesus always did & why you should too (Not what you might think).

As you read through the gospels you notice many things that Jesus did regularly. He loved people, healed the sick, taught in the synagogs and preached to huge crowds. He traveled often and performed miracles everywhere he went. However, if you look a little deeper you will notice that he almost always did three things. So…what are those three things? I’m glad you asked!

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