Grace is a Beautiful Thing!

What is your definition of grace? What is the best illustration you’ve heard depicting grace? Here is some of what I’ve come to learn about grace:

Grace is a beautiful thing! I’ve seen God’s grace at work in my own life and in the lives of both family and friends. I’ve watched hard hearts become soft and broken lives become whole all through the power of grace.

Grace simply means unmerited favor, receiving something you could never earn. It also means enabling power, God’s empowering presence comes to your aid and assists you so that you could do things you would never be able to do on your own. Scripture says that Jesus was filled with grace (John 1:17) and so he freely gave grace to all who came to him. He healed the sick, loved the broken and freed the captives. The truth is he still generously gives grace to all who come to him.

James 4:6 says, “God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.” God loves to give grace to those who acknowledge their need for it. He will not turn you away, rather he will accept you with open arms and empower you to live free. His grace is like an ocean in that it is limitless. The ocean waves crash upon the shore over and over and over again, never relenting. And that is a picture of God’s love and grace, it will never run dry! He desires to bless you and give one good gift after another. Make no mistake, you cannot earn his grace, it is a free gift – a never ending flow of blessings coming to wash over you! Receive his grace today through faith, believe in his goodness and experience his great favor!

Grace be with you,


Share your thoughts on grace below.

It’s Amazing!

It’s amazing how much God can use someone who is fully committed to him even in a short amount of time. 

I think about how Jesus’ ministry was only three years and yet how much he accomplished in that short amount of time. Or how the little boy only had a few loaves of bread and a couple fish but he gave it ALL to Jesus and how God did AMAZING things. And we all know the story of the widow’s mite, how a poor widow gave what little she had and Jesus said she gave more than anyone else because she gave it all.

I really am amazed at how great God is and how he desires to use us. And I am even more amazed at how powerfully he uses those of us who are simply willing to give our all. Not independently of him but rather we give our all to him and when we do he promises to do great and awesome things!

“For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.” 2 Chronicles 16:9

So, be encouraged! God wants to do amazing things through you and he will, as you are willing to give your all to him he will show up and show off in and through you!



My Cup is Full

This past week I had the chance to get away with my family and enjoy a nice vacation. It was my first time back to Ohio since we moved (almost one year ago – it’s hard to believe it’s been that long). We hit the road with three kids five and under and had plenty of ‘potty beaks’ along the way. After two days of driving we made it! We had a blast with both Emily’s family and mine as well. It was so refreshing to see some of our good friends and make new memories with our families.

As we were driving back yesterday I couldn’t help but think, “My cup is full.” There is something powerful about being around people who KNOW you and LOVE you! Besides God there is no one who knows you better than family and being loved by people who truly know you is a beautiful thing. I believe it’s a reflection of God’s love. He know’s us well (not only everything that we’ve ever done but every thought that we’ve ever had) and he loves us unconditionally.

This kind of love fills my heart and makes me glad. We are all blessed and loved by God and there is no greater love than his! Many times he will use people to love on us, encourage us and bless us. And many times he will use us to love, encourage and bless others. Today I encourage you to let God love on you today, enjoy time with loved ones and be a blessing to those around you.



“My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.” John 15:12

What’s the rush?

Do you ever feel rushed? Whether it’s by deadlines at work or the demands of life? It could be pressure you feel from family or friends, or your desire to please them. Maybe it’s your own doing where you put demands on yourself and make yourself anxious in the process. I believe the temptation is great to always feel busier than you actually are and more rushed than you should be. I see it everyday while driving (and I have to admit I sometimes fall into this trap while driving as well).

May you be encouraged by this brief word today: SLOW DOWN!

God never intended for us to be rushed, being rushed is really being anxious and often there is an absence of peace when we feel this way. We need to cast our cares upon the Lord, we need to slow down and breathe. Set all of life’s demands in the Lord’s hands and receive his peace. Trust God and rest in his love for you and his care for your life and your needs. Receive his peace in Jesus name! Let me say it again, “Peace be with you!”

Rest, relax, trust God and be filled with his peace and joy! You will not only be a happier person to be around, you yourself will be happier!



Trusting God’s Timing

“Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:6-7

You don’t have to make it happen, God will just make it happen! 

Yes we are called to be faithful, obedient, good stewards and excellent in all that we do, but we are not called to force things, promote ourselves or worry. We are called to humbly serve and watch God promote us, take care of us and lift us up at the appointed time.

It’s easy to get caught up in wanting things to happen overnight, we live in a culture that is saturated with selfishness and a feeling of entitlement that says, “I should get what I want and I should’ve had it yesterday!” Resist this narcissistic influence of our culture and boldly humble yourself before your God. He will lift you up, he will exalt you in due time and it will be worth the wait, because it’s in the waiting that he is developing you and preparing you to have greater influence both far and wide!

Be encouraged and keep serving the Lord with joy and humility, it’s all going to be worth it my friends! Give him your worry and concern about your bills, needs, health, relationships, dreams and destiny. He loves you and he is working on your behalf even when you can’t see it.

Be encouraged!
