God Loves You!

I’ve been walking with God for 15 years now! It’s crazy that it’s been that long… He loved me before I ever had a thought of him and he’s loved me since! In my pride, in my struggle, regardless of any sin my God has taken delight in me! WOW! What a powerful truth I’ve come to learn: God loves me at my best and he loves me at my worst!

Thank you God for your incredible love towards me! Right now I pray for all those reading this that they will grow in their understanding of your great love for them. Yes God, may they come to know that you love them in their sin, in their struggle, in their addiction and in their unbelief. Open their hearts and powerfully minister your great love! May they come to the fullness of the knowledge of Christ. Thank you God!

Oh open your hearts today! Forget the distractions of the world! Give God your worry, your opinions and your concern. He loves you more than you know! God loves you at your best and he loves you at your worst…God loves you! Be encouraged by this truth! May it lead you to great peace, joy and freedom!

God loves you!!! This is the message we need to focus on! His love that draws people to repentance (to change their minds). We need to pray and ask God for a greater revelation of his love for us, our children, the church and America.

“Thank you Jesus for your constant love, thank you for your love that never fails! Fill hearts across this nation and around the world with your great love, amen!”

Blessings my friends,


All 4 All

“He poured out his life unto death.” Isaiah 53:12

Over 2,000 years ago God gave us his ALL on a cross at Calvary. Jesus poured out his life for us and after healing the sick and loving the least, the last and the lost he suffered and died on a cross for you and for me. He then rose from the grave and since then he has been at the right hand of God praying for us!

If this doesn’t portray a loving God I’m not sure what does! He is a good father, the best of friends, patient, kind, gentle, loving, understanding, helpful and completely selfless! Basically he is worthy of our devotion, he is worthy of our lives!

So, today will you respond to his great grace and unconditional love by giving your all to him? We love him because he first loved us and we have been called to be co-laborers with him in the earth (1 Corinthians 3:9). We’re called to partner with him by giving our all as he gave his all.

Let’s give our all to him today in worship, prayer, devotion, faith, love and service. Jesus said, “You are the light of the world.” Matthew 5:14 Let’s partner with God and give our all today!

Let’s go light it up!


Two Things

I have two words for you today:

1. Trust God

Many times the cares of the world cloud our minds and we forget that God is a good father and that he knows how to take good care of his children. Stop worrying and stressing about your bills and all of the “what ifs” of tomorrow. God loves you and he will take care of you! Set your eyes back on God and speak his word over your situation.

“You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You because he trusts in You.” Isaiah 26:3

“And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory.” Philippians 4:19

2. Get to work serving others

It’s easy to get comfortable within the confines of our own homes, to turn on the TV, open our laptops or be on our phones. Distractions are many and entertainment is well…entertaining! But God has called us to abundant life and abundant life is more than watching other people live. We are called to get involved and serve the people all around us. The world is hurting, there is so much brokenness in the earth today. The lie we often buy is, “What can I do?”

Well, Jesus calls you the light of the world! You are the hands and feet of Jesus in the earth today! God has given you talents, gifts and resources that you can use to share God’s love with the world around you. So may this challenge you today to GET UP and GET OUT! The lost, the broken, the hurting, the lonely and the confused are waiting…

“Whom shall I send and who will go for us? Then I said, “Here am I. Send me!” Isaiah 6:8

“Each one of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10

That’s it!

Trust God for your miracle and be someone else’s miracle while you’re at it!




I am so grateful for ALL that God has done for me! He is SO good, so much better than I deserve. And yet because of what Jesus has done for us, he says we do deserve it, now that is GRACE! And I am so grateful for grace!

He who knew no sin became sin so that we might become the righteousness of God (2 Corinthians 5:21), wow! I find it amazing that when you give your heart to Jesus he returns the favor! So, when God looks your way he sees his son Jesus and he is pleased! Did you know that God doesn’t want to punish you? That’s what Jesus died for! Jesus satisfied the wrath of God and took our place, he took the punishment that should have been on us because of our sin. Because of what Jesus has done God is pleased in us and the only work that God has required of us is to believe!

Will you believe that it’s true today? That God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16). Oh how he loves us! He took our punishment upon him, he dealt with sin, judgment and condemnation all so we don’t have to and so we can enjoy a personal, vibrant relationship with God. This is grace, are you grateful? I am!



Don’t Stop Praying!

I know it may get hard at times and extremely difficult at others, but don’t give up and don’t stop praying! One of the greatest assets the Father has given us is our faith, yes we can shrink back in fear OR we can rise up in faith and trust God! You may question how you got where you are or why things are the way they are, you may feel worn and ready to throw in the towel…don’t!

See God is incredibly faithful and he is not far away, he is right there with you even now. He loves you and delights in you in ways you and I can hardly fathom. Take your eyes off of your discouraging situation and set them on things above! Give it to God today and believe that he is at work (because he is)!

Philippians 4:6 says, “Let you request be made known to God with thanksgiving.” Thanksgiving is the key because it represents trust and it immediately affects your heart, mind AND situation! As you pray thank God that he loves you and he’s working everything for your good, thank God that he’s working in your marriage, in your family, in your finances, in this nation and the world around us. Trust God and believe that he loves you, he is good and he hears your prayers!

Be encouraged today and don’t stop praying!

Believing with you!


“Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.” Philippians 4:7 (The Message)