Stop looking for peace in the same place that you lost it

Naturally it makes sense to look for things in that same place that you lost them. And although this may be true for objects it is not that case when it comes to matters of your heart. Would you look for peace in the same place that you lost it? No, and yet that is what so many of us do. We settle for less, buy the lie of the enemy, have our joy and peace stolen from us and then go back to the same place where we lost them as if we’re going to find them there again.

Satan is cunning (having skill in achieving one’s ends by deceit). It is his desire to steal, kill and destroy and he succeeds in this by deceiving us so that we somehow believe that we will find rest for our souls if we chase after temptation. But his lies are empty, he promises peace but leaves us with problems, he swears satisfaction but shows up with shame! He masquerades as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14). He accuses us both day and night (Revelation 12:10). He is a liar and the father of all lies (John 8:44). And we cannot be ignorant of his devices (2 Corinthians 2:11). For we are destroyed by our lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6). What we don’t know has the ability to hurt us, ignorance is not bliss my friends! We must be aware of Satan’s schemes and learn to always trust God!

Not only does God promise to always provide a way of escape for every temptation (1 Corinthians 10:13), He also promises to crown us with life for passing the test (James 1:12). Simply put: God will bring you wholeness and give you authority in the very area that caused you shame for so many years! See this is why Satan tries so hard to keep you deceived and enslaved in sin and addiction because he is afraid of the authority that God gives to His children. Satan knows that not only will you find healing and wholeness but you will also have the authority to help others find freedom.

And so I declare to you today, “Rise up and be free! Stop looking for peace in the same place that you lost it. I declare clarity over you today in Jesus name. May you have eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart to understand. Find peace in God, be truly satisfied in His great love for you, be filled with joy and walk in freedom. Go and share the good news with your friends and family. There is real freedom and real peace and they are found in God alone!”

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” John 10:10

Are You Stuck in Satan’s Web?

We’ve been in a season of warfare (it helps just to know this). See this knowledge brings light to your difficulties, it helps you to see you’re not as bad off as you thought, in fact you’re a lot better off than you thought! See just knowing that you’re being assaulted with a wave of warfare helps you to clear your mind knowing that even the thoughts that you’ve been thinking haven’t been you at all but rather the enemy bombarding you with fiery darts and accusations. He’s been trying to get you to question who you are, what you’re doing and why you’re doing it. He’s been attacking your character and identity trying to get you to second guess yourself and think as one who doesn’t know who they are at all. And along with this onslaught from the enemy he’s also been trying to confuse you, cloud your judgement, fill your heart and mind with doubt, discouragement and depression. And as if all those weren’t enough he’s also been attempting to bring division in your relationships, apathy at work and deceit in your mind (even leading to difficulties in your health).

I say all this to bring light to his schemes. Jesus said that he is a liar and the father of lies (John 8:44). Satan operates in darkness (which means ignorance), therefore when we don’t know his schemes we are often subject to them (Hosea 4:6). Jesus is the light of the world and in him there is no darkness at all (1 John 1:5). Jesus brings light (understanding) to Satan’s schemes. And therefore it’s through Jesus we overcome. Christ is the head of the church and we (referring to believers) are his body here on the earth (Romans 12:5, Colossians 1:18, and 1 Corinthians 12:27). So as we spend time with Jesus (reading God’s word and spending time in worship and prayer) and his body (sharing what’s going on in each of our lives and praying for one another) we walk in the light and darkness has no power over us. I believe even now as you read these words darkness is leaving and light is filling your heart. Ignorance, deceit, discouragement, confusion and despair are headed out and in their place joy, peace, understanding, encouragement, clarity and hope are flooding your heart today.

I declare freedom for you today in Jesus name! You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free (John 8:32). And he who the son sets free is free indeed (John 8:36). All the rain is passing, the sun is bursting forth and you can clearly see God’s promise painted in the sky. “Know therefore that the Lord your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commandments.” Deuteronomy 7:9 Great is his faithfulness (Lamentations 3:23), faithful is he who calls you, and he also will bring it to pass (1 Thessalonians 5:24). “Not one of the good promises which the Lord had made to the house of Israel failed; all came to pass.” Joshua 21:45 “Remember his covenant forever, the word which he commanded to a thousand generations.” 1Chronicles 16:15

Remember God’s faithfulness! Remember all he’s done for you! Remember who he says you are! Remember the prophetic words spoken over your life! Remember all that you’ve been through together! Remember! Now rise up and give testimony to who God is in your life today! Stop letting your mountains speak to you and start speaking to them! God has given you authority, use your words, declare God’s truth over your heart and situation and be encouraged knowing that God is working ALL this for your good! Yes, indeed! Even your past, yes even your present, yes even this dark season, this time of testing, yes God is working it ALL for your good! Just think of what the Father has in store for you (in light of all these things). Oh, God is good, let’s bless his name together!

(If you were blessed by this message and believe others you know need to hear it, please share it with them, share in my joy knowing God is using you to help others and share it with the world as you never know who is in darkness and could really use some light)



PS I would be remiss if I didn’t share with you the regular encouragement I send out each week. If you would like to be encouraged regularly then subscribe to receive my devotionals via email @

What God Has Been Saying To Me Lately

I’ve walked with the Lord for over fifteen years now, I’ve experience accelerated growth in my walk with Him in different seasons and there have also been times where I’ve felt stagnant in my walk with the Lord. Today I write to you to share what the Lord has been teaching me over the last few weeks.

Over the last couple years he has been bringing life to the many seeds of His Word that have been sown into my heart over my early years of walking with Him. And over the last few weeks I’ve sensed Him literally breathing life into my Spirit. He’s stirring His promises in my heart and bringing His words to my remembrance. He’s giving me new revelations of who He is, who I am and what He is doing in the earth today.

More than ever before I sense Him calling me to Himself! He is jealous for my time. He desires that I come away and pray. There are times I resist His leadership believing the enemy’s lies that I’m too busy and I have to much to do. But there are other times that I yield to His leadership, I come into His presence and I am filled with peace, joy and purpose. And it is in these times where great revelation flows from heaven to earth, from God’s heart to mine.

So here is what I feel the Lord saying to me in these days:

-Be still and know that I am God

-Rest in my and in my love for you

-Keep doing what you’re doing

-Don’t worry about what’s happening around you, pray and trust me

-Wait on me and I’ll give you instructions

-I am leading you with the promptings of your heart

-Be faithful with all that I’ve given to you

-Do not be afraid, rather be strong and courageous

-Take authority over all that is coming against you and your family

-Use my Son’s name for there is great power and authority in the name of Jesus

-I am preparing you for the days ahead

-Breakthrough is coming

-Step out in Faith

-Bless your family

-Declare my words over every area of your life

-Rise above the many distractions around you

-Trust me, I am raising you up

I share these things with you today to encourage you and I believe many of the things He is saying to me, He is also saying to you. I encourage you to take a moment right now and ask God, “What are you saying to me?” Allow His to speak to your heart and richly bless you today! I’m going to do the same and I’m going to meditate on what He’s already said and continues to say.



PS If you’re wanting to read more on this here are two posts on discerning God’s voice Seeking Answers and How God Speaks. And if you’re really wanting to grow in learning to hear God’s voice listen to my Free Audio Course “Hearing God’s Voice”

7 Practical Ways to Honor God

Jesus had so much to say about honor and the truth is he is still speaking about it today. We’re called to honor God in everything that we do but how? In this teaching I provide seven practical ways we can honor God. Get ready to laugh, learn and become a person of honor! Click Here to Watch



What Jesus said about Honor and what it means for us today.

In Mark chapter six we find Jesus returning to his hometown after traveling the region teaching with great wisdom and working countless miracles. However in this chapter it’s recorded that Jesus could not do any miracles there… Wow! Jesus, the very Son of God – unable to do any miracles! Why? Well, as Jesus put it, “Only in his hometown, among his relatives and in his own house is a prophet without honor.” (Mark 6:4).

All because of a lack of honor these people were left sick, in need and without divine assistance. They judged Jesus on what they thought they knew about him and therefore were offended with the idea that he could be more than what they assumed he was. They treated him as common and therefore missed the blessings the Father was trying to get to them.

The same is true for us today: When we treat God and His Word as common we limit their benefits in our lives. God is wanting to bless you and he often desires to bless you in ways that you least expect. What we need the most often comes in packages that we least expect. This is why honor is so important in our world today. We miss out on what God has for us when we treat people as common, but when we choose to honor others we now position ourselves to receive from them. According to 1 Peter 2:17 We’re called to, “Honor all men.” From our parents to our spouses, from our authorities to our neighbors, from our friends to our enemies, even strangers. When we do we position ourselves to receive what God desires to give us (even through the most unlikely sources). Today I challenge you to Honor God, His Word, His Presence and the people in your life. This simply means that you value them, you treat them with regard, you deem them important and what they say carries weight. I truly believe that blessings from heaven will freely flow into your life as honor is restored within your heart.

And today I honor you and thank you for who you are and for allowing me to speak into your lives.

Blessings my friends,


PS If you enjoyed this short devotional and want to grow in your understanding of the power of honor in your everyday life, take 30 minutes and hear my most recent message CLICK HERE.