God speaks over 20,000 times in Scripture! He speaks through dreams, visions, signs, creation, prophets, the law and even a still small voice to name a few. As the Scripture says, “In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son.” Hebrews 1:1-2
The good news for us today is that He still speaks! He speaks through His still small voice, our pastor, spouse, a child, circumstances, strangers, countless ways really. While God can speak to us countless ways He primarily speaks through the Holy Spirit, his Son Jesus and through His Word. The Word of God is living and active (Hebrews 4:12) and it reveals to us what’s on the very mind of God! Today I’d like to touch on 3 primary things that God reveals through Scripture and how these truths can benefits us.
3 Things God Reveals Through Scripture:
- God reveals who He is through Scripture
It’s in the Scriptures that we come to understand who God really is. Much of scripture points us to Jesus and when we read about Jesus he points us back to the Father! As Jesus shared, “If you, then…know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!” Matthew 7:11 God is a good good father! In fact God does not only love us, He has a patent on love and He himself IS love! It’s through His Word that we come to know promises like Romans 8:28, “And we know that God works all things together for the good of those who love God and have been called according to His purpose.” With promises like these we can’t help but get a glimpse into who this great God is! He has nothing but the best of intentions towards us. And it is through His Word that we can discover more and more of who He is!
2. God reveals who we are through Scripture
Many of us search our entire lives trying to find who we are. We look for people or things to define us. But the reality is – it’s not until we open God’s Word and call out to Him for ourselves that we discovered who we really are! Our identity is revealed in God’s Word! He calls us forgiven and redeemed! We are the light of the world, a chosen people and His masterpieces! He says we are His inheritance, His children and we’ve been called and chosen by Him. We are loved, pursued and destined with purpose!
3. God reveals truths about the world we live in
Lastly God reveals truths about the world we live in. We come to understand principles like, “We reap what we sow.” Galatians 6:7 We come to understand that forces of darkness and light are waging war all around us. We come to see the culture of the world around us and recognize the enemy’s influence in it (1 John 5:19). But we also come to see the Father of Lights – the giver of all good gifts – at work and we learn how to walk in the light and follow after Christ’s example. We understand more of our purpose and the call of God on our lives. And as we continue in God’s Word we come to learn the importance of the times and the seasons we live in.
How these Truths can truly benefit us:
If we really want to benefit from these truths we must first commit to actually spending time in God’s Word! Many of us might have great intentions to read God’s Word regularly but simply don’t because well…we slept in, we got busy, we got a phone call, we had to _______ (fill in the black). The reality is most people don’t read the Bible because they don’t know where to start, and/or they don’t have a time set! If we’re serious about wanting to read God’s Word daily we need a time, a place and a plan!
- Set a time each day to read God’s Word (and keep it)!
- Find a place to read God’s Word (and remove distractions from that place).
- Establish a reading plan (whether it’s a Proverb a day or three to five chapters in the New Testament daily).
If you do these things you can count on knowing God for who He is, discovering your true identity and obtaining with a spirit of wisdom. These are vital truths in creating a life you love! So set a time, find a place and establish a plan!
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