Hilarious Humility

Join John for a lesson with a laugh as he shares a hilarious story about how he did something he never thought he would do.

Often times we allow pride to keep us from finding the help that we need in different areas of our lives.  Pride lies to us and tells us that we can find relief apart from humility.  There is nothing further from the truth!  In scripture in the book of James, it tells us that God frustrates the pride but gives grace to the humble.  Which means when we humble ourselves we invite God’s help in that area of our lives.

Regardless of what difficulties you may be going through, this word has the solution you need!  Watch now.

No Jesus No Peace | Know Jesus Know Peace

Join John as his shares his story of discovering peace for the first time.

Jesus states, in John 16:33 “In me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Only Jesus can give you peace in the midst of the crazy things that go on in life.  In fact, although at times you may have peace in life, apart from Jesus there really is no peace.  He alone gives us peace that passes all understanding and peace that lasts forever.

In John 3:16 it says, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.”

What is eternal life?

Jesus said in John 17:3, “Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.”

Jesus offers not only peace with God, with others and with oneself, he invites us to know God in an intimate way.  God desires a real relationship with us!  This is so much more than just going to church, it’s more than religion, and more than a list of do’s and don’t do’s.

God wants an intimate relationship with you!  He loves you and desires that you would never feel alone again.

Watch this video and discover how to have real peace and assurance that you will be in heaven with God.

The Future You Want | Seconds with Silk

Believe it or not we are largely responsible for what our day will look like. Each day we are given a choice as to choose to make it a great day or to choose to make it a not so great day. We’ve been given more responsibility than we would like to admit.

It’s easy to blame others for many of the problems that occur in our lives each day but the truth is it really starts with us. What are we believing about God, ourselves, our day?

In Matthew 12:34 it says, “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” Simply put whatever we really think will most likely come out of our mouths.

King Solomon said, “As a man thinks, so is he.” Later in Scripture in Matthew 9:29, Jesus said, “As your faith is, be it unto you.” When you put those verses together it’s clear that what you think and believe MATTERS!

If you are always thinking negative things are going to happen in your life you are attracting those negative things! The same is true with our words:

In Genesis 1:27 Scripture tells us that we were made in God’s image, earlier in that chapter it says that God SAID, “Let there be light!” Finish reading the sentence and you realize suddenly there was light!

If we were made in God’s image, than I dare to believe we hold the same power with our words!

Proverbs 18:21 says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue and those who love it will eat its fruit.”

We have more power in our words than we can ever imagine. Watch the video and remember as you begin to say it, you will begin to believe it and soon you will begin to see it!

Vision: The Power to Change Your Life

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We live in a day and age where people may have a vision for their work, finances, or career but rarely ever have a vision for their families or personal lives for that matter.

The negative effects this has on our culture cannot begin to be measured! Let me share a quote I love:

A man without a vision is a man without a future & a man without a future will always turn to his past. P.K. Bernard

Without a vision for our futures we will be left returning to our past and often living lives without purpose or passion.

Proverbs 29:18 says, “Where there is no vision the people perish.”

Literally that means they “cast off restraint” meaning they let anything go. Without a vision there is no self- control and without self-control people find themselves often times in habits and addictions that begin to destroy their lives.

Vision brings discipline into our lives. Having a vision (a desired picture of our future) helps create discipline today so that we can see our desired results tomorrow.

Vision is one our our greatest needs that is so often overlooked. Once we recognize our need for vision and the power it has to change our lives we want to create a life vision. A life vision is a vision for every area of our lives that brings focus to what’s really important to us.

Creating a life vision will help us create a life we love. Join me next week as I share steps to successfully create a life vision!