There is great power in our words and having a healthy perspective can change even the darkest of situations. But what about the destroying angel? In Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians in the tenth chapter he shares with us the history of Israel. And it’s in verse ten where we find “the destroying angel.” The Israelites who didn’t reach the promise land were scattered in the desert for numerous reasons: idolatry, sexual immorality, testing the Lord and complaining. This destroying angel killed all who complained!
Paul wrote this to the church as an example to impact our lives today! The promise land represents our destiny, the fulfillment of all that God has created us for! But many will not reach their promised land, many won’t see the promises of God fulfilled in their lives all because of a complaining spirit. You know the spirit that finds something wrong in everything. The spirit that isn’t happy or focused on all the good and all the blessings but rather is focused on the few things that aren’t right in life. This complaining spirit will invite the destroying angel in your life, simply put you’ll miss out on what life is all about. What should have been the greatest moments and memories in your life will be replaced by the little things that stole your joy and took your focus from enjoying God’s greatest gifts: life, family and friends. Life will pass you by! You will grow old and be miserable still missing the blessings that are all around you.
Just last night God shared this message with me in a dream. This is a WAKE UP CALL to many! Rise up out of this negative state! God is with you, it’s not too late! You can still enjoy the best things in life! I invite you to pray this with me, “God, help me to see clearly! Wake me up from the negativity that has found it’s way in my heart. I repent of a complaining spirit. I trust you. I know that you are good, I know that I am blessed and I know that I will see your goodness all around me again! Help me to rejoice, to see things in a new light and to praise you and give thanks for all of life’s blessings! And God, may life not pass me by, rather allow me to enjoy every moment along the journey and fulfill my destiny in Jesus name, amen.”
God loves you and he’s not done with you yet! Be encouraged and know that He is good and he is at work in your life even now. Rejoice and be glad! You are more blessed than you realize, walk in His blessings!