“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:11-13
These words are full of hope and full of truth! God has a very specific purpose and plan for your life, this plan is good, it’s a plan that calls you to reach your full potential and ultimately bring you great joy! Discovering and fulfilling this plan will not only bless you but countless others as well! But in order to fulfill this plan you have to discover this plan and that only happens upon seeking Him with all your heart! For when you seek Him with all your heart you will find Him and when you find Him you will also realize His plans for you.
Discovering and fulfilling His plans for you will bring a real sense of fulfillment in your life only if you walk closely with Him! Many believers idolize their dreams thinking when I get there, when I do this, when I fulfill my dreams then I’ll be fulfilled. But this thinking is so limited. We all have a call of God on our lives but more importantly we all have a call to God! See with God it’s always been and it always will be about relationship! Yes we have a purpose, yes we have a call, yes these are of the utmost importance and yet in light of their importance they remain secondary to our call to know Him! If you think about it almost all of our problems have come from our attempt do things on our own. Starting with Adam and Eve the Bible is full of stories of people trying to do things independently, their own way – apart from God. And we know that destruction always follows pride.
Success without humility is bound to fail and results without relationship are empty. Stay humble, for when you’re walking in humility you’re always ready for a promotion! And stay close to the Lord for this is your highest calling! Yes God has great plans for you but don’t make the mistake of focusing so heavily on those plans that you miss your greater purpose of knowing Him! Jesus, our example lived this out perfectly. He fulfilled all that the Father had planned for Him while making time alone with the Father a priority! (See “Three Things That Jesus Always Did” for more on this.)
Remember in your pursuit of all that God has for you take time to simply enjoy the relationship! God loves you! He calls you friend and He desires to partner with you and co-labor together. With all this said I would be remiss if I didn’t share with you a FREE resource from a friend that will encourage you and help you to not only discover and fulfill God’s plan for your life but also draw near to Him in deeper ways. CLICK HERE to receive FREE prophetic words daily.
Blessings my friends! I’m praying for you and would love to continue to encourage you each week! SUBSCRIBE HERE and don’t miss a word!
“As long as he sought the LORD, God gave him success.” 2 Chronicles 26:5
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