In my early years of ministry before dad life, even before marriage one of my mentors taught me something that I have not forgotten: Balance! Fast forward to when I first started my family I now had an opportunity to implement this wisdom. I made a commitment to be at home for dinner at least four nights each week. This meant that even if the church had four evening meetings where I was suppose to be present my calendar was already booked! I therefore had to prioritize and determine which meetings I had to be at and which one I could miss. It’s things like these that have helped me lead well at home and work.
I could share a lot of thoughts on leading well like the importance of vision, constant communication, being positive, staying humble, leading by example and many others. However I’d like to focus on these four specific ones today:
1. Think before you _____.
We tell our children to think before they speak and we as leaders need to take heed to this valuable lesson. Not only before we speak but before we act as well! Strategic thinking is probably one of the most lacking things in both our homes and our work! We so easily get lost in the day to day requirements that long term strategic thinking rarely gets done. And it’s easy to see why, we’re so busy wearing countless hats we get lost in the whirlwind of our daily tasks. Don’t make this grave mistake!
Take away – Think strategically on where you’re going and how you’re going to get there!
2. Time outs are essential!
Time outs often help kids to pause, focus, reflect on their actions and adjust their attitude. As leaders I believe we should all take time outs! I’m a better dad when I get a little time to myself, I’m a better pastor and leader when I remove myself for a short time to pause, to focus, to reflect on my actions, my attitude and all that’s happening around me. The best way for me to make time outs a regular practice is by scheduling them in advance. It’s actually part of My Morning Routine!
Take away – Take a moment right now to schedule some time out this week to focus, reflect and adjust accordingly.
3. If it stinks, change it.
This doesn’t just refer to diapers, it refers to everything that’s not working. If something is not working whether it’s our parenting style or one of our processes at work, we need to be willing to make some changes. In a culture that is ever changing some of the ways we do things need to change as well. For example people’s eyes are fixed to small screens whether it’s a laptop or a smartphone. We are literally a screen culture in a digital age and we need to learn to leverage it rather than resist it. Some of our old ways of doing things aren’t working and we need to change!
Take away – Think about what’s currently not working whether it’s at home or work and be willing to make whatever necessary changes may be needed.
4. You need to share!
We’ve all heard this one growing up but how well are we practicing it today? Some of the best leadership principles out there came from Jesus (just like this one)! Think about it, Jesus lived a life of ministry but he also invited his disciples to do the same! He invited the disciples to do what he was doing and we ought to be inviting the people around us to do the same! As much as possible work as a team with the people around you, it will pay dividends in the long run! Work as a team, share responsibility, and delegate where needed. It works both at home and work and as leaders we need to share responsibility and delegate well in order to accomplish all that God has called us to!
Take away – Ask yourself, “Where do I need to share? What things do I need to delegate?”
Lastly, remember to first lead well at home, for this will position you to lead well everywhere else!
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.