Sharing our faith is an essential part of our relationship with the Lord! When we step out of our comfort zone and share the gospel with others God always shows up! The Holy Spirit has been given to us for many reasons (He’s our comforter, guide, counselor, etc.) but one of the primary reasons is to empower us to be bold in our faith and share the gospel everywhere we go, knowing that God is with us even to the end of the age (Matthew 28:20).
With Scripture providing one example after another of the disciples verbally sharing their faith it’s evident that words ARE necessary when preaching the gospel! I think of Andrew immediately telling Simon he met the Messiah and bringing him to Jesus. I think of Philip immediately telling Nathaneal he found Jesus! I think of Jesus sending out the disciples to teach and preach, the believers in Acts sharing their faith, the boldness of Peter and John, the persistence of Paul’s bold preaching. Over and over and over again the believers shared their faith with those around them being intentional to reach those who did not know Christ!
More and more I sense God calling His church to rise up in bold faith and share the greatest gift mankind has ever been offered! Today in America you don’t have to travel far to find those who’ve never heard the gospel! People all around us don’t have a clue of who God really is, how He’s a good father, a merciful savior and He freely offers forgiveness and eternal salvation to all who believe in Him!
Will you commit to praying for the lost?
Will you commit to sharing your faith?
Will you dare to step out of your comfort zone and experience the kingdom of God in even greater ways?
Join me in this endeavor to persistently pray and to consistently share the Gospel! And if for whatever reason you’re still hesitant, unsure or afraid I encourage you to follow this little devotional pattern (and as you do this daily, I believe your uncertainty and fear will quickly fade).
Here are 4 Ways to Experience God’s Heart For The Lost:
- Read
(Briefly read a small section from one of the following books of the Bible)
One of the Gospels
2. Worship
(Do one of these few things to continue your devotional)
Thank God for your own salvation (and for the people who led you to Him)
Ask the Holy Spirit to give you a fresh revelation of Jesus your savior
Write down everything you remember about the moment you received Jesus
Thank God for the cross
3. Pray
(Pray these three things to continue your devotional time)
List the names of the lost people in your life before God (ie. your Most Wanted List)
Ask God to give you His heart for the lost…
Ask God to open doors for you to share the Gospel, to give you courage to walk through those doors and wisdom to know what to say
4. Listen
(Finish your time with the Lord by reflecting and listening)
Reflect on what the Lord is saying to you
Be still, wait on the Lord, ask God for specific instructions to pray or act and then listen…
By doing this daily God will surely build your faith and make you into a bold witness of the life transforming power that is only in the Gospel!
Together we’re going to reach the world!
For more on this visit MY FREE RESOURCES and download your free pdf “Most Wanted List – A Guide to Reaching The Lost”
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