I remember when I first came to know Jesus it was the best time in my life that I can ever recall. It was as if I was truly alive for the first time! I was filled with such a love, joy and peace that I had not previously known. For the first time in my life I had discovered this love and it gave me such a sense of purpose! I remember wanting the whole world to know this love! I was so happy, so joyful and so alive!
This was my story for days, weeks, months, even years! But something happened over time, life got busy, I became distracted and I slowly forgot all that God had done for me. I didn’t forget in my mind but it was as if I had forgotten in my heart. Don’t get me wrong to this day I experience moments of being overwhelmed with God’s love and still have the desire to tell the world of His goodness but what I’ve found is that more than I would like to admit distractions come and steal my joy, the demands of life that keep me so busy rob my passion and if I’m not careful I’m deceived into thinking I’m accomplishing a lot for Him without abiding in Him!
See I’ve come to learn that we all have a call of God on our lives but far more importantly we have a call to God! They really go hand in hand but sadly too many of us focus more on doing rather than being. We are not human doings, we are human beings! It’s easy to fall into the trap of doing, doing, doing but according to Jesus we’ve missed the mark if that’s our story (Luke 10:38-42).
Jesus said in Mark 4:19, “The cares of the world and the deceitfulness of riches and the desires for other things enter in and choke the word…” Now although God’s word is alive and Jesus was the word made flesh and we have Christ in us the hope of glory “other things” have a way of sneaking into our hearts and suffocating the influence that God desires to have in our lives. Satan will use whatever he can in order to steal our affection for God. He wants to keep us busy and distracted because he knows that if we sit at Jesus’ feet and hear His words our hearts will come alive and we will be inspired (filled with the breath of God) and empowered (strengthened and emboldened to see change) to change the world (not for God but rather with God)!
I say all that to say this, “Remember the Lord your God!” (Deuteronomy 8:18) I don’t mean remember Him in an intellectual way, I mean remember Him in an experiential way! Spend time with Jesus!!! Allow Him to breathe life into your heart, your mind, your body, your hopes, your dreams, your prayer life, your business, your family, etc. You no longer need to be frustrated, disappointed, lonely, bored, depressed or discontented! You can be filled with the love of Jesus like when you first came to know Him! It starts with a choice, a prayer, a time set apart and it ends with life transformation and world change!
“Be still and know that He is God.”
I’m praying for you friends,
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