Where Do You Draw The Line?

Something that is important for every Christian to do periodically, if not daily, should be to evaluate the lines they’ve drawn in their life. They need to look at where these lines are drawn, why they are drawn there, and should they be drawn elsewhere? We draw lines in our relationships, in our budgets, what we physically put in our bodies, how much we work, etc. We also draw lines in terms of what we listen to, and what we watch.

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The God Effect

What happens when you invite God into your situation…

Often times there’s one of two reasons we continue to see the same problems reoccur over and over and over again in our lives. In this short message John Silkauskas identifies those two reasons as well as shares the one way we’re certain to see the change we’re longing for. Real, true, miraculous, God sized change… Be inspired, be challenged and be blessed!

“Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us,” Ephesians 3:20


Today I am so grateful:

Grateful for life – just being alive and enjoying the simple things in life.

Grateful for where I am in my life and where I believe I’m going.

Grateful for all that God has done for me in my past and my present.

Grateful for the people that He has put in my life and blessed me with over the years.

And so I thank you God!

Thank you God for my family and friends!

Thank you God for all of the everyday luxuries I get to freely enjoy.

Thank you God for my health, for opportunity and provision.

Thank you God (for everything)!

What are grateful for?
Have you thanked God today?



“Giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Ephesians 5:20

Lesson In Humility

Recently God has been teaching me lessons in humility, some tougher than others. Each one is bringing me to an overwhelming sense of my need for Him and His grace and at the same time a humble gratitude.

As I become more and more aware of my own lack I become more and more aware of His abundance. And this leaves me both speechless and utterly grateful for His great love for me as He is patient and filled with kindness.

At first it’s painful but in the midst of God humbling me I become aware of a greater strength that lies within me – this is God Himself! “Christ in me the hope of glory” as the apostle Paul put it in Colossians. Humility is a good thing, it’s attractive, it’s Christlike, it precedes honor and it invites promotion!

And so my message for you today is be teachable, be willing, be humble and embrace your lessons in humility because there is great reward in this! When we humble ourselves we become aware of God’s empowering presence ready to assist us in that very moment! And the more we sense His presence the more joy we will have on a daily basis!

Praying for you friends,


“Humble yourself before the Lord, and he will lift you up.” James 4:10

Help is Available

Do you ever get frustrated and wish you had someone to help you in everyday life?

I know I do! Sometimes I wish there was a manual on marriage, a mechanic on call, a last minute babysitter, someone who could help me when I feel in over my head or when I just don’t have a clue what I’m doing.

Although I may not have all of these things, I do know one who can help in all of these areas.

Do you know that God is our helper? He is! Over and over it’s all throughout scripture, even the very name of the Holy Spirit means helper!

I’ve come to take Him up on His offer more and more lately. I’ve lived long enough to know when someone is offering to help – you should let them! Over the years God has given me great joy and sweet peace, He has helped me through very difficult times and He loves to help me in the small things too!

Take my advice and ask Him for help today! Allow His Spirit to comfort you, direct you and HELP you! You will be glad you did, you will find life become a little easier and you will have more joy along the way!



“The Lord is my helper” Hebrews 13:6

He is faithful to help us ANYTIME WE NEED IT!